Broken dreams of a family

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Before starting, this is just what i feel riddhima might be feeling from the start till the supposed miscarriage we are all dreading...

P.S. sorry for any grammar mistakes 😂😂

As an orphan, family was something i always wanted, the love and pampering of grandparents, the scolding of parents, doing pranks with my siblings but i never got that, the only family i had was Sejal who was my best friend, sister and confidante.

Then i met Kabir and what i thought was love was more like some form of security that he could provide, but destiny had different plans for me.

For Kabir i went into enemy's house, to prove my love i married Vansh, but who knew the one whom i hated will become the one i loved so deeply. 

There was always a part of me which was jealous of Vansh not because of all things he had but because of his family no matter what they always had his back, but i was never a part of it, i was always the outsider, and someone who was not of their standard.

I bore all the torture because i never wanted to lose Vansh, i forgave them for all the humiliation and pain they made me go through when Vansh took his revenge because i knew he was hurt by my betrayal.

The happiest news of my life was that i was pregnant, that i can have my own cute little family with Vansh. But even that happiness was short lived.

I understand Vansh fears that his past might affect, but i tried my best to make him understand but i was getting tried of being alone in my all struggle, of him being there with me but still not being with me.

Today was the worst day i lost everything in a split second, i dont know when i ran ,i dont know when i pushed Vansh away to save from a truck racing towards his direction, i felt the pain of getting hit, i felt my little baby dying and i felt the overwhelming sense of emptiness filling me before i lost consciousness.

Waking up to the terrible truth was the most difficult thing. I wasnt ready to meet the family members because i didnt want to see pity or the relief and happiness in some people's face.

Vansh was there for me but whenever i looked at him i can see how much he trying to control his emotions, maybe he isbfeeling guilty of not doing enough to save his child..i just dont know anything ..i just feel bone tried. 

I dont know how will i move on from this. I keep staring at my sonography report and listening to recording of my baby's heartbeat. I dont know what to do, i dont how to live, will i ever be able to move on?

Riddhima Os Broken Dreams of A Family(complete)Where stories live. Discover now