"Did we do well?" Marlene asked abruptly with a slight rose color covering her face. Siobhán clenched her fist but quickly released her hand. She shook it quickly and pursed her lips.

"It didn't even look like acting," she replied shortly. Marlene grabbed some food and started eating. "Impressive it was." she complimented bluntly. James overheard her tone and frowned. He didn't understand why she sounded bored and not happy that it worked. He made a note to talk to her later about it.

"James, you succeeded!" Siobhán whisper-yelled. James nodded and ate another strawberry. She heaved out a sigh and stood up.

Siobhán Parten had enough of breakfast and the great hall for the day. She would come later to eat lunch and dinner, but currently, she wasn't in the mood. Ever since she saw Marlene and James kiss she just couldn't bring herself to stay there. Not in their presence. James eyed her going out of the great hall and he waited a bit for him to excuse himself.

"I'm gonna go see where she went," he whispered, leaning down and patting Marlene on the head. She nodded and just pretended she didn't know where he was going.


Siobhán was sitting on the cold wooden floor of the astronomy tower. Classes wouldn't start in 30 minutes so she decided to kill some time and watch the clear sky above. When she was frustrated or angry she would come up here and calm herself down. It was rather cold so she always put her jacket on her legs. She never found herself angry when the wind and the sky were in her view.

Steps creaked as someone came up to the astronomy tower. Siobhán quickly stood up and slipped the jacket over her shoulders once again. Her ears perked left to right as she heard footsteps quietly come towards her.

"Little Red?" James's voice echoed across the empty space. Siobhán shivered as she heard the rasp emitting from him. She turned around, her olive skin having a slight redness to it. He sighed and went up to her. She put her hand up, not wanting him to come any closer. "Tell me if something is wrong. I can't bear making you mad again."

She bit down on her lip. The wind kept howling as the early morning sun shone through the cracks of the astronomy tower. It reflected off her eyes as she flickered between him and the ground. "Nothing is wrong." she gave him a toothy smile that wasn't true to her feelings.

"Be truthful with me, darling," he muttered. She cursed under her breath. He caught the words and frowned. James didn't understand how her emotions fully worked because she hadn't expressed herself to him fully. He took a step forward and she just shook her head. "I need to know if something is bothering you, please just tell me."

Siobhán tugged onto her jacket tighter. She didn't want to hear the persistence that was coming from James when it was quite evident why she became distant. "I can't be truthful with you," she mumbled, closing her eyes in a moment of bliss. "You wouldn't understand my reasons."

James let out a shaky breath as he heard the words coming from her mouth. "Don't tell me that." he persisted, denying the fact that she didn't want to speak to him currently. "I need to learn how you express yourself for our friendship to work out, so please don't shut me out."

Siobhán furrowed her eyebrows. "How long will you and Marlene go on with this fake dating scheme?" she quired, finally bursting from her silence. James ran a hand through his hair as his mouth was agape in disbelief.

"Is that what you're truly worried about?" he shakily voiced. She gave him a firm nod before letting her hand go from her jacket. "I must inform you that it won't be going on for very long."

She ran a hand through her now messy hair. "I hope that's true," she whispered. He groaned slightly, trying not to let his toxicity get the best of him.

"I promise you that it won't be for long." James took another step forward. Siobhán stepped backward, not wanting to be within 6 inches near him. "Are you really that against this?"

"Of course I am." she expressed. "It seems as if the thought of being in a relationship with me revolts you." her voice became rather throaty as she met eyes with James. He scoffed and crossed his arms against his chest.

"The thought of being with you is not revolting." he persisted. "How could you ever think of it like that?"

"You kissed Marlene with so much passion — you even said her lips tasted like strawberries." Siobhán hugged herself as the wind blew harder. James wanted to throw himself off the astronomy tower at her words. His frustration was becoming more and more persistent to come out, but he wouldn't dare let it out.

"It's not real," he murmured. "Nothing Marlene and I did was truly based on feelings. It was all for show dear, believe me." James fiddled with his rings as she just shook her head. Siobhán decided to go near the railing of the astronomy tower and stare out into the oasis. That's what would keep her most composed.

"You don't want to live in my shadow." he abruptly stated. "We would both be unhappy if that were to happen." he broke off. "I'm helping us both by doing this."

"James I wouldn't hate being under your shadow," she reassured. "If I love someone so much I wouldn't even care if I would be considered that person's girlfriend and nothing else." she took in a deep breath. "It is unappealing, but if it's love then it shouldn't matter."

"What are you trying to say?" he grouse slightly. Siobhán gripped onto the railing, the white of her knuckles becoming more prominent.

"I'm trying to say that I—" she hesitated to express herself. "I'm trying to say that I have no desire in being a second choice." James was baffled by her thinking she was a second choice.

"What do you mean a second choice?" he lingered, wanting to reach for her. Siobhán scrunched her nose and threw her head back.

"You'll fall for Marlene and you two will be happy because I know how easily you learn to love someone," she emphasized, hinting the two would get married at some point. 

"I won't fall for Marlene because I've fallen for someone else." he prevailed, clenching his jaw. She turned around and gazed at him with an unreadable expression.

"And who have you fallen for?" she brazenly spoke. He couldn't confess to her right now. It wouldn't be an appropriate situation for him too. "Tell me, James. Who have you fallen for?"

"I have fallen for someone beautiful, kind, compassionate about what she wants, and truly just the most amazing girl I have known for this past year." he continued. "She must be oblivious because I feel like I have made it quite obvious."

Siobhán clutched onto her jacket, taking in his words. She didn't know what to say of this confession towards whoever he was talking about, but she felt like she knew her. Deep in her soul, she knew her. Siobhán cleared her throat and met James's eyes once again.

"Ever since you did the fake Marlene dating scheme I have realized my feelings for someone." she smiled slightly. "I know I shouldn't be feeling the way I do because he's one of my best friends, but I think he's amazing and one of the sources of my happiness."

James furrowed his eyebrows as he thought of all the men she could be talking about. She could have been talking about Leonardo, Regulus, or even Sirius. Not once did he consider himself as a candidate. He didn't even know this was them confessing their feelings for each other.

"If you excuse me." she passed by James and went down the stairs quickly. He smelt the vanilla scent linger as if she was still standing there. He sighed of relief and clutched onto his shirt.

"How long will it take for you to realize that I care for you?" he whispered under his breath. James felt the air around him and he thought of a blissful moment. This would be an ironic moment he wouldn't forget for a lifetime.



I love the development, I loved the words, I just loved this chapter so much. I hope you guys understand how she found out her feelings for him. She had to see him kiss someone first in order to finally realize. Once she realized she had to go and calm herself down in the astronomy tower.

Also, thank you guys so much for almost 1.5K views. I'm so happy about this. More to come soon.

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