Leaving - Derek Hale Imagine [Part Two]

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Jacqueline’s POV - 2 months later

Everything was not fine.

I hadn’t seen or spoken to Derek since the night he apologized and I know I should’ve been getting over him by now but I’d given Derek everything; I gave him my heart and told him all of my secrets, even the ones that scared me the most. I spend the days with Scott, Stiles, and Isaac but most of my time is spent with Scott; he was always there for me when I needed him. Whenever the three of them had to go to Derek’s for werewolf business, they wouldn’t tell me because they were afraid that I would get upset at the mere mention of Derek.

I would stay at Scott’s or in my room, feeling sorry for myself because I couldn’t bring myself to accept Derek’s apology. I was in my room right now; Scott was staying with me till he got a call from Isaac, telling him to meet him at Derek’s. I told Scott that I’d be fine while he was gone and that he didn’t have to come back later. I was about to get ready for a shower when my phone went off. Looking at the caller I.D., I answer with a sigh, “Scott, you don’t have to-“

"Jacqs, I need you to drive up to the Animal Clinic right now!"

I was confused at his tone and why he wanted me to meet him at the clinic, “Why do you want-“

"We were ambushed, Derek got hurt. You need to get down here now."

I didn’t even hang up the phone. I grabbed my keys and ran down my stairs, out the door and to my car. It was raining pretty hard when I got out of my house but I could care less, all I was thinking about was Derek. I was still upset with him but I didn’t want him to die, not before I got the chance to make things right. I pulled up to the clinic and ran straight for the door. The sign said closed but I knew better than that. I banged on the door repeatedly until Stiles came running from the back.

He opened the door and I pushed right past him, shivering from the cold air hitting my wet body. Stiles was right at my heels, “Aren’t you cold?” I didn’t even look at him when I responded, “That’s not important right now!” I marched my way straight to the back, gasping at what I saw. Scott, Isaac, and Deaton heard me and backed away from a bleeding Derek lying motionless on an examination table. I walked slowly towards him, gently placing a hand on his arm, “What happened?”

Scott and Isaac looked at me, neither one answering. I stomped my foot down, “Say something!” Isaac scratched his head, “I was with Derek when Scott called,” He started, “He told me that the Alphas were planning something big and he need Scott and I to go with him.” Then Scott began talking, “When we got to where he thought the Alphas were, we were attacked.” “They came out of nowhere and we fought them off for as long as we could and then out of nowhere, they just took off.” Isaac continued and Scott finished, “When we looked back, Derek was on the ground and bleeding fast. He wasn’t healing like he was supposed to so we brought him here.”

I nodded, “Okay I get that, but why did you call me down here?” Stiles stepped forward, making himself useful for the night, “All werewolves have an anchor; something or someone that keeps them in control.” I still didn’t see what I was doing here and Stiles could see that, “You. Your Derek’s anchor and when you two broke up…” I looked at Derek, “He started losing control.” Sties nodded, “Exactly.” “Well I how do I help him not lose control?” I asked him. He shrugged, “I don’t know. You’re lucky I know that much and no appreciation for it I might add.”

I rolled my eyes, looking at Derek again. He looked so lifeless and it was breaking my heart that I probably wouldn’t be able to speak to him again since I couldn’t figure out how to help him. “Can you guys leave…for just a little bit, please?” I didn’t look as they left, keeping my eyes on Derek, but I heard them all shuffling towards the front. I grabbed a stool and sat down, holding Derek’s hand, “I’m so sorry Derek that this happened to you.” I caressed the side of his face and started crying, “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you I was sorry for overreacting that night. I just wish you would wake up.”

I cried harder and could see my tear falling over Derek’s body. I stopped crying when I saw Derek’s chest moving. I slowly got up from the stool and wiped my tears away, “Guys. Guys, come in here.” All four rushed in, standing behind me as I pointed to Derek, “He’s breathing. He wasn’t breathing before and now he is.” Deaton went over to Derek’s body and checked him, “He is breathing evenly and a few of his wounds are already healing. I think he'll be fine, he'll need time to realy heal but he should be fine.” I smiled through my tears, feeling Scott hugging me from my side, “See, you are useful.”

Deaton told me that he could have Derek stay here while he monitored everything but I told him I’d take him to his place and watch him there. Scott and Isaac helped carry is body to my car and I drove to the loft. Scott came with me to help carry Derek’s body inside. I thanked Scott before he left and went to sit on Derek’s bed while he slept. Majority of his wounds were perfectly healed since leaving the clinic and I couldn’t help but at the fact that I wasn’t going to lose him.

Come morning, all his wounds were gone; it was like nothing had ever happened to him. He was still sleeping when I woke up, so I decided to go downstairs and make something to eat. My phone went off, flashing Scott’s name across the screen, while I was cooking and I answered, “Hey Scott…No, he isn’t awake yet but his wounds are completely healed…Yeah, I’ll let you know when he wakes up…-” I heard movement behind me and turned to see a very groggy-looking Derek.

I smiled at him and he smiled back; I almost forgot I was on the phone until I heard Scott’s voice, “Wh-What? No, uh, he’s awake now…Listen, I’ll have to talk to you later.” I hung up the phone, placing my hands on the counter behind me. Derek leaned against the entrance to the kitchen and looked at me, “You…you didn’t carry me here, did you?” I laughed lightly, shaking my head, “Uh, no, Scott and Isaac helped carry you from Deaton’s to my car and then Scott rode with us here and helped carry you in.”

He nodded, “You took care of me all night?” I nodded again, not answering him... I looked down at my feet until he spoke again, “I heard what you said last night. Your apology.” I looked at him, speechless, “I thought-” “I wasn’t dead. It was more like a coma, I guess.” I nodded, understanding. “You’re not useless,” He continued,” If it wasn’t for you, I would still be unconscious. I owe you my life, Jacqueline, and another apology.” I couldn’t handle being this close to him but still so far, I ran to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and felt his around my waist, “You don’t owe me anything. Everything you given me is enough.”

He hugged me tight and buried his face in my neck, “I’m so sorry, Derek. If I hadn’t gotten so upset about-” “Shh,” he said, bring his head to up, “Don’t talk about the past. Just be happy about the now.” I smiled at him, bringing myself to do something I’ve been longing for since two months ago; I kissed him. Feeling him holding me and kissing back was the only thing I needed to feel. With Derek here now, there was no way I was leaving again.

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