Leaving - Derek Hale Imagine [Part One]

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Jacqueline’s POV

"You always say that, Derek, and then come to find out you don’t even mean it!"

Derek had promised me that he’d let come with him the next time he had a fight with the Alphas or if he, Scott, Stiles, and Isaac wanted to follow a lead but he’d always do things behind my back so that I wouldn’t be able to accompany him. When I confronted him about it, he lied right to my face! I had to ask Stiles because I knew he wouldn’t lie to me. I was furious with Derek, I couldn’t believe he would lie and go behind my back like this.

I stomped my way through the loft and up the stairs to the room Derek and I shared. I tried to slam the door close and lock it before he could get up the stairs, but with that stupid werewolf strength of his, he stopped the door from closing, “Jacqs, you know I just don’t want you to get hurt. I’m trying to protect you.” He tried to walk closer to me but I stepped away and glared at him, “Protect me, Derek?! You don’t protect someone by lying to them and go behind their back!” He rubbed his eyes, “Jacqueline, if I’d let you come with us something bad could’ve happened to you, you could’ve gotten hurt or worse!”

I scoffed, rolling my eyes,”You think I didn’t know that! I am well aware of the consequences and I’m completely capable of handling myself.” It was Derek’s turn to scoff and roll his eyes, “Really? How? How exactly would you handle yourself against an Alpha?!” I crossed my arms of my chest, “Allison was teaching me as much as she could and Scott and Isaac have been helping as well.” Derek let out a dry chuckle, almost in a mocking way, “Scott and Isaac can’t even handle me, what makes you think they’re just like Alphas.”

Everything said might have been true but the way he said was completely uncalled for. I tried to defend them but he just kept going, “And Allison? Really? That’s the best you could do? Please, she’s just as pathetic as you.” That hurt, worse than the lying. Tears began to well up in my eyes and Derek’s hard and cold expression changed once he saw a tear fall down my face, “Well, if I’m so pathetic, I’ll just leave. I’m useless anyway, right?”

I brushed past Derek but he grabbed on my arm, spinning me around to face him, “Wait, Jacqs, I didn’t-” I yanked my arm away, mores tears spilling over, “No, you meant every word and now you’re stuck with them.” I ran down the stairs and as I reached the bottom, Derek’s voice rang out, “So what, you’re leaving the loft…or leaving me.” I felt more tears stream down my face. I turned around, looking up at him at the top of the stairs. I shrugged, “Why not both? Seeing as there’s no way I’d come back,“ I sighed, “And no way you’d ever trust me.”

I turn quickly on my heel, not wanting to hear anything more he had to say, and out of loft. I got in my car and then the real waterworks began. I rested my head on the steering wheel and just cried and cried, hoping I’d cry the pain away. A sound outside my car made me lift my head to see Derek coming towards me but he was the last person I wanted to see.

I quickly turned the car on and sped away from him and to the only place I knew I could go to. I pulled into Scott’s driveway, relieved to see that Stiles’ jeep was also parked there as well. I turned the car off and bolted out, running straight his door. I pounded my fist on the door until I could hear footsteps approaching. Scott opened the door with an alarmed expression. He sighed once he saw it was me, moving aside to let me in, “Thanks, Scott.”

"Yeah, she’s here now." I turned to him and saw him on the phone. I didn’t have to be a werewolf to know who was on the other end of that phone call, "You better not be talking to-" He put a hand up, signaling me to be quiet, and pushed me up the stairs to his room where Stiles and Isaac were. Isaac had a small smile on his face, "Hi Jacqs." I waved, smiling through my tears. I sat down next to Isaac on Scott’s bed while Stiles scooted Scott’s computer chair in front of me, placing a hand on my leg in comfort.

"Was the big, bad wolf being me to you?" Stiles asked in a baby voice. I chuckled and nodded my head, "Yes, he was and don’t say it like that." I said hitting my on his arm. The three of us looked to Scott as he walked into the room still on the phone, “…I really don’t think it’s my place to do anything between the two of you…Derek, she’s still upset and I think until you understand where she’s coming from, you should give her some space.” I could kind of hear Derek's voice over the phone say something before Scott hung up the phone. I got up from my spot and hugged him, “Thank you for sticking up for me, Scott.”

He sighed, hugging me back, “No problem and…he’s on his way here.” I pushed away from him, anger and shock all over my face, “What?! I thought you were on my side!?” He looked at me shocked, “Well-Yeah, I am on your side but Derek is right when he said that something bad could happen to you!” I shook my head, “No! Just…No!” I pushed past him and started running down the stairs, all three boys following behind me. “Jacqs, wait! I’m-” Scott started but didn’t finished when he saw who was in the house.

Derek stood there with a soft expression on his face and I could see the sadness in his eyes, “Jacqueline…” I stopped after stepping from the last step, turning to look back at Scott, Stiles, and Isaac. They got the message and all started talking at once making up lame excuses before going back the stairs to Scott’s room. I slowly turned back to Derek, who tried to take a step closer. I back up to the last step and Derek stopped, “Sorry, I just-” “What do you want, Derek?” I interrupted him, “Because I really want you to leave right now.

He sighed, “I-I know,” I was taken back when he stuttered; he never did because he was always sure of himself, “I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry I said you couldn’t handle coming along with us and-and called you pathetic. I wasn’t thinking straight.” I sighed, feeling the tears form again, “Derek…I really appreciate you coming here and apologizing but,” I wiped a tear from my face, looking at Derek as his grew sadder, “But I can’t just let you back in after ten minutes of being apart.”

He nodded, moving closer to the door, “I know. I just…wanted to tell you I’m sorry.” I nodded as he walked out the door and out of my life. I sunk down to the step, pulling my knees to my chest and letting the tears flow for the second time tonight. I felt a hand on my back and looked up to see all three boys looking down at me with sad yet sympathetic looks on their faces. Scott sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, “It’s all gonna be fine.” I rested my head on his shoulder and cried more.

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