"We love you sweetheart, bye" Jamie smiles and we all wave to her. "Love you" she smiles shyly and the call disconnects. "Ahh she's the cutest girl ever" I grin and he nods, putting his phone away. "I can't believe she's so polite and caring towards others." He smiles. "You raised her so there's not doubt that she wasn't going to be anything other than polite." I stroke his cheek softly and he grins shyly.

"And char and baby are going to be just as polite." He smiles. "They will.. how sad for that little boy.. I just want to cuddle him" I frown a bit. "I know baby... he should be allowed to do anything he wants as long as it isn't affecting anyone else around him.." Jamie frowns a bit. "I know.. if our boy wanted to do anything like that I'd let him.. if it made him happy then definitely" I pout and Jamie nods.

"Definitely baby." He strokes my bump and I wince a bit. "It's really hurting me today" I frown a bit and he pouts. "How?" He asks "I don't know it just feels tight and achy..." I pout and Jamie kisses me softly. "Not long left baby girl" he smiles and I nod, curling into him as Charlotte curls up in between us, her eyes slowly closing.


It's been a few hours since we FaceTimed Dulcie. It's seven In the evening and we've put Charlotte to bed and had our dinner. My stomach was really hurting me at this point so Jamie let me sit in the lounge whilst he cleared away from dinner.

"What do you want to watch?" I call through to Jamie. "Maybe find a movie on baby?" He asks me. "Okay sure.. Scary, funny, romantic?" I giggle a bit "funny.." he chuckles, turning the dishwasher on.

I go through the TV channels and halfway through checking them I have the urge to pee. "I'm just going to the toilet I'll be back" I call through to Jamie as I head towards the stairs.
"Okay baby" he answers and I smile. But I barely make it to the first step.

I'm stood on the cold wood flooring when I have to curl over with pain, just as there's a gush of water that splats against the floor. Oh shit. That is not good. I know for certain I didn't just pee myself. I take a deep breath and stroke my bump continuously; chuckling to myself as Jamie is humming in the kitchen, oblivious to what's happened.

"Jamie... Jamie" I call and sit myself on the third step on the stairs, still rubbing my bump. "What's up baby?" He calls back and I chuckle. "My waters, they... they've broken" I call back and within seconds he's by my side.

"I'm okay.. please don't panic. I just need you to call someone.." I say to him and he nods, getting his phone from the pocket of his shorts. I know he's going to panic because neither of us can drive. "Your mom? She can help" he says "no. She went to aspen with my grandma for the weekend." I cry out as I get a sharp contraction. Jamie takes my hand and he talks me through it.

When it's over I have tears in my eyes and down my face. "Call for an ambulance..." I nod a bit and he dials 911, getting through to them after a minute or so. "Hi yes. I need a ambulance for my wife" he rushes out and I take his hand, breathing heavily. "Her waters have broken." He says and I hear her ask how long I have left of pregnancy and how far apart my contractions are.

"She's got three weeks four days.. they're not as regular yet." He says. "I think around every fifteen minutes." I say and he repeats that to her. "Could you bring her in? We would suggest once her contractions are every five minutes she has to come in. But unfortunately we don't have any available ambulances at the moment." She says to him and I frown, resting my head in my hand.

"I can't drive us, my leg is fractured..." he frowns and she then suggests that we call back when they're closer together and they end the call. "I'm so confused as to how this happened so suddenly" I frown, getting tears in my eyes. "I know baby me too.. it's okay. Please don't get upset " he sits beside me and rubs my back.

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...Where stories live. Discover now