Chapter 3

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Izuku thought to himself riding his bike home. As much of an asshole Bakugo was he decided he liked the nickname Deku and that maybe he would go by that name. "Deku."

Deku was halfway home when he remembered he told himself he would've gotten groceries on his way home. "Damn it, I forgot about the grocery store. Oh well, I'm not that hungry anyways right now and I still have a slice of leftover pizza in the fridge. I can go grocery shopping tomorrow before work maybe." He also had a water bottle that Iida had given to him at fantasy world earlier when he got thirsty, so he figured he should be okay until tomorrow morning.

Deku also still kept Iida's words in mine. "You never know who or what you'll run into!" Deku made sure to keep a close eye on the ride home.
He enjoyed the quiet of the night. It was peaceful. His house was beside other people's. So he wasn't completely isolated in the middle of no where, but part of the ride home was a road without any houses, it was peaceful and ghost like.

Deku suddenly drifted from his bike riding daydreams as he heard a loud thump a few feet in front of him and he stopped immediately. He had a flashlight on his bike so he could see and somewhat make out what was in front of him. A tall figure in a black hooded cape, he just jumped out of the bushes out of no where right in front of him. Deku didn't know if he should be calm and sit still or try to ride around the figure, but he didn't even know who or what it was.
The figure slowly lifted his hood off, long bright blonde her showed. "Wait, long blonde hair?" All Might, famous vampire, had long blonde hair. It couldn't be him though? Deku always thought he was just a comic book vampire? Unless someone's pretending to be him.
The figure slowly turned its face towards Deku and have a horrifying stare that could kill.
Deku's heart sunk. "H-his eyes... bright blue... towering height... blonde hair.. it's.."

The figure lowered his arms and stared into Deku's soul, slowly turning to face him completely. Deku's mind was racing. "I'm only 2 minutes from my house! Maybe I can hurry and get away from him and inside before he catches me? No, he would catch me in an instant! What do I do? I can't just sit here and get eaten alive by All Might!"
"You tell no one you've seen me young man, very few know I still exist."
It was All Might.

All Might used his vampire speed to zoom right in front of Deku. Deku nearly fell off his bike and fainted. "I- I won't I promise! I didn't know you ever existed at all before I saw you!J-Just don't eat me please!"
All Mights face stayed serious as he examined Deku.
"You're no harm to me and I'm not hungry right now, kid. Get home and get the fuck out of the dark. If it were another vampire you might not have been so lucky..."
Deku gulped and was shocked at the sight of him. Honestly, All Might could have killed him with a punch instead of his big frightening teeth. All Might's body was unusual, in his full vampire form he was strong and muscular but in his "human" form he was scrawny and tired appearing, kind of like Deku in a way. Deku was definitely seeing All Might in his vampire form. He thought he was dreaming and could barely speak. All Might turned around to leave when Deku suddenly had an urge to speak.
"W-wait All Might I- can I ask you some questions?" He tried getting off of his bike to approach All Might. "I understand you don't want a lot of people knowing you're alive but I've read your comic books and I just-"
All Might turned around quickly with his death stare and it stopped Deku immediately. Deku hope and prayed he didn't fuck up by doing this but at this point he saw what seemed to be anger in All Mights eyes and knew it might've been too late.
"Young man.." the powerful deep voice of All Might spoke. ".. I wish I could go more in depth with you about that but I can't right now. Someone might see us. Just know that in Musutafu vampires are real, Izuku. We will meet again and I may or may not."
All Might wrapped his cape around him quickly and disappeared into the forest before a car drove by.
"We will meet again?" Deku thought to himself, somewhat shaking and trying to get back on his back. He managed to balance himself and finish his ride home. "Did he jump in front of me on purpose? And he already knew my name. Is that a vampire instinct or were those people at Fantasy World somehow connected to All Might and they really were vampires? Are they wanting me to join them or something?"
Deku parked his bike outside of his house and quickly ran inside and shut the door behind him, locking it. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "What a ride home man."
He sat his keys on his brown wooden coffee take in his living room and walked back to his room to gather things for his shower, and while doing so he messaged his mom and told her about his day and how he found a job. After sending her text he plugged his phone onto his charger and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
Deku's mind raced with questions of All Might as he started his shower water and got undressed.
"Do most people think he's dead if they once knew he was alive? What was so bad that happened that he didn't want people knowing about him if he was once comfortable with it? People in Musutafu seem to believe in vampires, and the comics had to have gotten inspiration from something, so were the vampires more social in the past? What's going on?"
Deku finished washing himself and stopped the water. He slowly dried himself and his hair as he stepped out of the shower and got himself dressed. He quickly brushed his teeth before going back into his bedroom and plopping on the bed where he would unplug the phone and see a message from his mom.

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