Chapter 1

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Izuku ran down the stairs after he finished moving all of his packed boxes to his moms van. The moving truck had already came to take his bed, dresser and other big items that couldn't be carried in his mother's van. All of his clothes, action figures, blankets and vampire comic books were boxed neatly and ready to be moved.
"Did you check your whole room to make sure you had everything and didn't forget anything important my baby?" Ms. Midoriya, his mother, began tearing up, the thought of her son being grown and wanting a new life of his own was hitting her super hard this morning. She had him safe and protected for 18 years and now he was moving away.
"Of course I did mom! I'm—" he noticed her tearing up and felt his heart sank. "M-mom what's wrong?" Ms. Midoriya's face slowly frowned and treated more. "M-my baby's all grown up-" she wipes her tears away as Izuku hugs her. "I'm sorry son, I know you'll do great being on your own, it just makes me sad that my baby's leaving me." The water works began, Izuku was trying his best to comfort his mom and help her stop crying. He hated seeing his mom cry, it would make him cry.
"I know you're sad about me leaving mom, I'm gonna miss you when I'm moved in. Just know-" he takes one of his necklaces off and hands it to Ms. Midoriya . "-just know you'll always have me with you and I'll call you to update you on how I'm doing." His mother began smiling and whipping tears off her face. "You will baby boy?" She said, looking up at her tall, curly green haired son. "Of course ma, I'll call you once a week, if not twice a week."

After his mom finally calmed down, they got into the already started van and headed off on their journey to move Izuku into his new home in Musutafu.

It was a bit of a lengthy journey to his new house. Izuku and his mother were on the road for approximately 6 hours, including short bathroom breaks and stops for gas. Izuku enjoyed the car ride with her, making memories and having many funny and meaningful conversations with her. He also enjoyed his silent moments of music and reading his comic books.
They were about 15 minutes from his house when the realization hit his mom again, especially because they were actually in Musutafu now.
He stopped and looked up from his vampire comic book he had been reading to pass time.
"Oh, yes mom?"
"Izuku you know... you know there's rumors that this town has vampires living here...?"
Izuku gently smiled,
"I know ma, I don't think it's actually true though. I love vampires and how this town gets all of the attraction for it but I don't think they could possibly be real."
Izuku was overwhelmed by his moms sudden outburst, his face physically appearing shocked. "YES MOM I PROMISE, I PROMISE!"
Ms. Midoriya always knew Izuku's admiration for vampires. It started when Izuku was a little boy. All of Izuku's life he dressed casual and nerdy, but he would want to dress as a vampire for Halloween almost every year. As his teen years progressed she would spend multiple weekend nights watching vampire movies with her son. He liked other things such as werewolves and horror, he liked skateboarding and video games. He had superhero action figures and he loved his mixed music CDs, but his vampire comic books seemed to be his most prized possessions and he grew a lot of knowledge of them over the years.

Time had passed since Ms. Midoriya's sudden outburst and they had finally arrived to his new home. The moving truck was already there and they began to unpack his belongings and make his house look like a new home. They moved Izuku's big furniture in first so that the moving people could get their job done and go home, and his mother could stay and help him organize his belongings wherever he needed them or felt they would best fit. As Izuku was unpacking he felt a sense of excitement overflow in him. The thought of being on his own now in somewhere completely new to him, he couldn't wait to find a job and see all of the sites in Musutafu. Ms. Midoriya still wasn't the happiest about her baby boy being on his own, but she had seen all day how happy he was about it, which made her happy for him. The motherly love Ms. Midoriya had for Izuku was never ending, if he had called her the next day wanting to move back home she would be traveling to get him the next day.
"You know if you ever decide you want to come back home I'll gladly come get you?"
"I'm sure you would mom" Izuku said smiling gently at her. Logically she knew that wouldn't be happening, so she's became more accepting.

Hours had passed and it began to grow dark. 90% of izuku's things were put into place. His grey couch and shelf of movies sat in his living room, along with his tv. He had a brand new kitchen table and fridge in his kitchen, along with a already furnished oven. His bedroom kept all of his comic books and actions figures across from his bed and closet, with his bedroom being right next to his bathroom. His vampire posters of All Might (famous popular vampire) and many other vampires hung on his bedroom walls and his regular every day house decorations in all other parts of the house. It was perfect size for Izuku and he wouldn't want it any other way.

Him and his mother finally took a rest to sit on his front steps, enjoying one last cup of coffee together before she had to go back home.
"Mom did you want to stay the night here? It'll be dark soon, it's a long drive back home and you must be exhausted?"
His mother gently took a sip of her coffee and smiled at the sunset. "No son, I'll be fine driving home tonight." She lays her head on Izuku's shoulder. "I want you to be able to enjoy your first night living all on your own, you've grown so much, I'm sad you're leaving home but I'm so proud of you." Izuku smiled with his mom and enjoyed the sunset with her.

They finished their coffee, Ms. Midoriya stood up to give one last hug to her son Izuku, shedding a few more tears. Izuku took the moment in knowing his mom may not be able to hug him for a while. He waved his mom goodbye as he handed her the van keys. "Be safe driving home mom, thank you for helping me move in, I love you! Text me when you make it home!"
"I love you too my baby boy! I will message you! Be safe tonight and sleep well!"
She closed the door and started her van, slowly pulling out of the driveway and driving off to go back home. Izuku was now officially on his own. He walked back into his house, closing the door behind him. He plopped onto his couch and looked around him, feeling accomplished. He worked hard and saved his money for this and his mom supported him every step of the way. He still had a job to find in this town and friends to make but he was confident of making that happen. He had a spare pillow on the couch and a blanket he had left on the floor beside the couch, he pulled the blanket up to cover up with and began to rest his eyes. He knew he had a lot of work to do tomorrow if he wanted to find a job to pay his bills.

-hi! My names Katherine, but you can call me Kat. I hope whoever's reading this is enjoying the story so far. I'm a big fan of My Hero academia and lost boys, I'm just kinda writing this cause I thought a crossover would be fun. I'm gonna do my best to make it similar to the first and second movies with similar events but  in a my hero academia way, keeping them in character as best as I can. I'm also going to do my best to go more in depth on Deku (izukus) love for vampires. Anyways I hope you all enjoy!-

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