Chapter 2

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Izuku halfway opened his eyes and felt the light come into his living room from the window. He glanced over and realized he had left the kitchen light on over night, but he was too tired to get up and turn them off at the moment. He lied there for a moment and then remembered his mom said she would text him when she made it home. He searched for his phone under him and on the couch until he finally found it, checking it to see if he had any messages from her.

Mom: Hi honey! I know you're more than likely sleeping, I promised I would text you when I made it home. I hope you're sleeping well your first night on your own!

Izuku sighed with relief and messaged his mom back before stretching his arms and legs, getting out of bed to go make his morning coffee. He was also feeling a little hungry, so he pulled out some leftover pizza from yesterday that he and his mom ordered in the middle of unpacking. Leftover pizza for breakfast was his favorite. He also remembered his fridge only had pizza and a Gatorade bottle in it, so grocery shopping was on today's to-do list.

After eating and finishing his coffee, Izuku went to his bedroom where he would get into new clothes and prepare for his first new day in his new town. He was excited for the fresh start and what he would come across.
"Maybe I should do some job hunting before I worry about my groceries, maybe I can find a job and grab some things on my bike ride back home." He also needed to look for a car, but he lives pretty close to town, he could pretty much ride his bike everywhere needed, so he doesn't feel the need to rush for a car at the moment.
He sat in his living room, searching on his phone for places in his area hiring before heading out.
"Let's see here... grocery store, surfboard shop, restaurants, comic book store.." he wrote out a list of different jobs he could get within reasonable distance and reasonable pay and hours. He liked to wake up in the morning and relax, so he was looking for a place that would be hiring for afternoon shifts or mid-day shifts. He soon threw a pair of shoes on and ran out with his phone to hop on his bike and head into town.

As he rode through Musutafu, he couldn't help but look around him. The big high school and all of the dorms they had, the small local shops, the food places, everything was so lively and it filled a place inside him that he couldn't describe. It was almost like he belonged here in Musutafu, he almost forgot he was trying to search for a job. He noticed he was getting close to the comic book store, so he decided to stop inside and look around at the books and see if he could ask about a job interview.

Izuku parked his bike outside close to the main entrance. "Fantasy world, huh, interesting name" he read the name of the store. There was no door, just beads hanging from the top of the doorway to move while walking in.
The shop had a simple but lively look to it. It was well lit and had nice rock music playing. Many posters and colorful smaller lights in random places. The comic books and the few movies and display items were all stacked and placed neatly. Fantasy world was Very welcoming.

After Izuku got a good look of the inside, he was greeted by a tall over excited guy roughly his age. "GOOD TO SEE YOU!" The man had straight dark hair, glasses, dark eyes and un-normally sharp eyebrows. He had somewhat of the same casual dress style as Izuku. "MY NAME IS TENYA IIDA, I AM THE OWNER OF FANTASY WORLD, WHAT IS YOUR NAME?" He seemed to not get a whole lot of customers, his store was pretty empty and he seemed excited to see izuku. He didn't see any other workers there either except for Iida.
"Uh- hi my names Midoriya. Izuku Midoriya." Iida grabbed Izuku's hand and shook it. "Thank you for visiting my comic book shop, Midoriya, LET ME KNOW IF I CAN HELP YOU FIND ANYTHING!"
"Actually Iida, I know we just met but I just moved here yesterday and I'm looking for a job and I was wondering-"
Iida knew where this sentence was going and immediately began with questions, basically doing a on the spot interview.
"DO YOU HAVE GOOD KNOWLEDGE OF COMIC BOOKS AND VAMPIRES AND ARE YOU WILLING TO WORK ANY DAY I NEED YOU- my apologies, let me relax I don't get a lot of visitors let alone anyone at all wanting to help me out around here, it gets hard doing everything by myself, you know?"
Izuku pauses for a moment and blinked a few times before opening his mouth to say anything.
"I have a whole vampire comic book collection and I would love to help-"
Iida didn't take long to respond, "YOU'RE HIRED!"
The few people in the store looked over, being drawn by Iida's over reactions. Iida looked embarrassed for me and himself and tried to apologize. "Sorry customers I didn't realize how loud I was being!" The customers all awkwardly went back to browsing trying to process the excitement Iida had.
"Anyways Midoriya, would you like to be trained and start your job today?" Izuku's face filled with shock. He wasn't expecting to get a job this quickly, his mom always told him how it's not always easy to just find a job in adult world. Besides that though, he had a job right here in front of him and he wasn't going to go hunting for another job.
"I would love to start working today!"
They went behind Iidas front counter and talked about his hours and his pay. Iida was the owner of the shop and worked by himself, and despite not being crowded with customers the pay was still decent and Izuku was offered his midday and afternoon shifts because The shop didn't open until 11 Am and closed roughly at 10 Pm, no uniforms required how to count the drawers and all that boring work adult stuff.
Izuku was still excited to be working at a place where he could use his comic book and vampire knowledge, and to have already seemed to make a friend.

The Lost Hero Academia Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora