IV - C H A N C E!

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WC- 1669 

--(Y/N) POV---

"Your name is (Y/N)," she says with a tone of disbelief. I stare at the woman in utter confusion before she speaks once more. "You, you're supposed to be dead! But you're here saving my god damn life instead. Are you crazy?!"

"Listen, I have no clue how you know me, but I need you to seek safety," I scold, only to get my point across.

She looks at me in the eye for about three seconds and shakes her head, "No, you don't get it. The Yarin Empire wants you dead, (Y/N)!" She pauses for a second before placing her smaller hands on my shoulders. This lady is freaking me out a bit too much at this point. She must be going insane because last time I checked, my name was worth nothing more than a penny. "You're dangerous! You're a killer!" She yells a bit too loud, causing me to back away.

"You must have the wrong person miss, my name is worth no value," I reassure while laughing nervously, only to receive a greedy look from the woman. I just saved her life. I'm not about to get a lecture on the fate of my life from this lady. "I'll show myself out of your way now. Get home."

"Wait!" She yelps grabbing my hand pulling me back her way. The woman has a lot of nerve touching me, it almost angers me. "If any of the guards on the streets find you alive, you will be dead on sight. Please stay the night with me; it will be my form of paying my much-needed debt to you."


He's going to turn me in for riches. This greedy bastard is going to turn me in for riches. The life of luxury. He wants it all for himself, meaning he knew who I was when we were dancing. It wasn't some kind offer to dance. It was a rotten trick to confirm his suspicions.

I was already dead anyway, but why am I so pissed about this man being the one to achieve the life of riches and glory? Not to mention, he had an entire fucking team of people here to take me. How did he know I was even here? Am I being stalked?

Rolling out of his arms would not be the best option at the moment, so I decide on playing the damsel in distress role. From the old stories I was told as a child, there is no failure in my plan. I just have to time it correctly.

I look down from my long-lasting stare at the man in green and the spine-chilling white mask. The ballroom is now in a state of panic and protest. People were gathered, throwing their bodies at both me and the man in green. They were desperate, but I can't blame them. The normal human brain is wired to have a sense of greed, whether it's saving themselves or their family. I'd also be lying to say if I weren't greedy.

The man turns away from the now guarded door. Great, that was our only exit. At least I thought it was. A large balcony comes to my faint view. Though the crowd sticks to our side, there is still a small sliver I can see though, directing straight to the balcony. This man would be crazy to jump. It's a balcony! Of course, you are going to break a bone or worse, die. It's not like I should worry about death, though. Death is already in the reach of my hands. I just have to catch it.

I now hear shrieks from everywhere in the crowd. Not shrieks of fright, shrieks of pain and agony. People were getting hurt by the man's side-kicks. "Stop!" I beg, pulling on his tie. "Tell your people to stop hurting them; they did nothing wrong!"

He shares contact me with a face of guilt; I think? You can't see much if your face is hidden from a mask. "There is so much you have yet to learn, (Y/N)," he starts, looking away from our eye contact. He is about to speak until he runs into four guards. "I need you to stand by my side now, trust me. You will make it out of here alive."

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