14) Tinder Surprise - Request

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Word count : 5202

Warnings : a little bit of angst, some curse words, BUT mostly fluffy Tony.

A/N : This imagine was requested by Poptart_Pikachu Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you enjoy it. ❤️

Summary : Y/N and Tony talk to each other on Tinder, but the reader doesn't know who she is actually talking to.

Y/F/N = your friend's name


"Girl, it's been half a year since you've been using Tinder. You can't just expect to find the love of your life on that app." your best friend stated as she saw you checking your phone for the hundredth time that day. "For real now... Go out and socialise instead of praying for someone to actually message you."

"Y/F/N, you know how I get whenever I meet someone new." you sighed, moving your head so it was resting on the back of the couch. "I always make a fool out of myself and I'm tired of people pushing me away. I'm not saying you're wrong, but please understand that it is so much easier for me this way."

Your friend watched you, visibly confused, biting the inside of her cheek and trying her best to see your point.

"Why?" she frowned. "That's what I don't get about you, Y/N ... Why do you prefer talking to someone you don't even know through messages instead of actually having a face-to-face conversation? Because you have time to actually think of an answer or what?"

"Well, that too, but... I feel more comfortable talking and getting to know people online, because they can't really judge or see my reactions, you know?" you replied hesitantly, playing with your hands. "And of course, by the way they reply, I can always tell what kind of people they are and decide if I want to keep chatting with them or not... It's much easier to block someone or stop messaging them instead of actually making excuses as to why I don't like them. Does that make any sense?"

Y/F/N sighed, shaking her head, before standing up and placing one hand on your shoulder. "Look, Y/N... You know you're my best friend and I love you, but... I still don't see your point." she shrugged, looking at you apologetically. "An app is an app and you will never find someone you could date that way. How do you know those people won't lie to you? You can't tell if someone is actually being honest or not."

"I know, but-"

"But what?" she cut you off. "I understand you're afraid of rejection, but the only way you can get over it is by trying to fight it. How are you gonna fight it if you don't even have the balls to talk to someone?"

"It's easy for you to say that." you huffed. "You've never been hurt by someone before. I have. I've been bullied in middle school by my classmates since the very beginning, and when I first tried to confess my feelings to a guy, not only did he reject me, but also made fun of me in front of everyone..."

You paused, looking away and biting your lower lip in frustration. "So just... don't you dare call me weak or judge me for being afraid of talking to people when you know nothing about it at all."

Y/F/N took a step back, nodding slowly and staring back at you. "You're right. I'm sorry." she apologised. "I-uh... I have to go now. My cousin just messaged me saying that she wanted to hang out." she stated as she placed her bag on her shoulder, but you knew she was lying. "I won't ask if you wanna join cause I know you don't and I don't wanna force you either, so... Call me if something interesting happens, although I kinda doubt that."

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