"It's from 2300 hours. That's the night before it went down," Jay disclosed. 

"Well, that tells us that the shooting was calculated and planned. What else you got?" Voight asked. 

"Nothing actionable. I talked to some of the victims' people. They say they don't know what's going on or who did this," Kevin responded. 

"Okay. Anything on the shooter's car?" Voight questioned. 

"CPIC pieced together the plate from the hot sheet, and it looks like the vehicle was stolen three days ago. We lodged BOLOs, but most likely, the vehicle's torched to the rims by now," I note. 

"Okay, OCD busted into two burners found at the Becerra Brothers' place. These are the texts on their phones. 'You sell, you die.' 'I warned you.' 'Muerte.' Dead," Kim read aloud from the paper she was looking at. 

"There's dozens of them," Adam continued. "Someone threatened to kill the Becerra Brothers if they didn't get out of the meth game and then they made good on it." 

"Okay, can we trace the texts?" Voight quizzed. 

"Not to a person," Kim replied. "The texts were sent burner-to-burner. But to a neighborhood? Yes. OCD puts them in and around Garfield Park." 

"Yeah, and one of my best CIs, Tommy Lane, he's a meth guy in Garfield Park," Adam stated. 

"Pay him a visit," Voight commanded. So, Adam talked to his CI Tommy, who was going to get us a deal with Logan Teague, a big meth distributor in the area. The thing was, Voight needed Adam to pick someone to go with him. I thought he was going to pick Kim, but things turned out differently.

"Hey. You wanna come undercover with me?" Adam asked as I was grabbing my jacket from the locker room.

"Me? I thought you'd ask Kim," I exclaim and throw my jacket on.

"Well, you thought wrong. You're my number 1. So, what do you say? Please," Adam begged.

I pursed my lips. "I don't know, Adam."

"Please, Yn," Adam pleaded. "I promise everything will go smoothly."

I sighed. "Okay. Fine. I would love to go undercover with you. It'll be just like the old days. And look, whenever you and Kim sort out what's going on between the two of you, I will take you back as my partner with open arms."

Adam laughed. "What about Kevin?"

"I love Kevin. But he's not you. Now, lets go do this deal," I say.


"Wait, what are your names supposed to be again when we get over there?" Tommy asked. 

"It's Mike and Sarah. You're going to remember that, right? Now, when we get there, you're just making introductions. Don't act like you're back in the game. You felt like a meet would be good for me, you get a little taste, and then after that, you've gotta do what you're not so good at. Shut the hell up and let us do the talking," Adam explained. 

"Is he always this bossy?" Tommy questioned.

"Only when he needs to be," I reply and follow Tommy into an alley.

"Hey, Logan," Tommy greeted. "What's up, man? Is that for me?" Tommy nodded to the meth in Logan's hand. 

"Yeah. Smoke on up while we're hanging out," Logan answered. 

Tommy smiled. "Have I ever told you that I love you, man?" And then, he reached out, took the drugs, and inhaled them. I glanced over at Adam, who met my scared gaze with a reassuring one. While the thought was comforting, I was still freaking out. Dealing with CIs always got me on edge, but this one had just taken drugs, so I was even more uneasy.

Partners in Crime; A Jay Halstead FanficWhere stories live. Discover now