The Beginning of The End

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Then Raymond and Annie swam to Arturo Palace to put an end to it. When they arrived, the Nymphs attacked them, until the Red Nymph began to strangle Annie. Raymond rushed to the Red Nymph (Stella) and then the dark forces left her. Raymond, Annie and Stella began to pull the forces of darkness through the other 5 Princess Mermaids and became normal. Arturo then sent Sisi and Mimi to delay Raymond and the Princess Mermaids from reaching the throne room with their dark song:

A shadow now turns off the light,
darkness everywhere, no hope anymore.
The sky also became black,
sleep others, eternally dizzy sweet.

A shadow awakens in the heart,
I waited years for it to bloom again.
Small withered flower
like a lost dream.
Do not try
to find hope or to find light.
To surrender,
the black darkness will be the leader.

A hard sound pierces your mind,
it blurs the mind and the shadow spreads.
And everything you believed became empty,
a black silence breaks every heart.

Kneeling you will surrender,
this is now your end.
We will burn the pearl,
in the eternal fire we will burn.
Every joy
there will be sorrow in the heart.
And only the fire
it will burn, it will drive hopes away.

A shadow now turns off the light,
darkness everywhere, no hope anymore.
The sky also became black,
sleep others, eternally dizzy sweet.

So surrender to the shadows.

Do not try
to find hope or to find light.
To surrender,
the black darkness will be the leader.

A hard sound pierces your mind,
it blurs the mind and the shadow spreads.
And everything you believed became empty,
a black silence breaks every heart ...
A hard sound pierces your mind,
it blurs the mind and the shadow spreads.
And everything you believed became empty,
You have no choice, so surrender.

When the mermaids listened to the songs of the Sisters of Black Beauty, they were stunned and fainted. Raymond tried to cure her, but to no avail.  Meanwhile, Arturo sent the Islets, Eril, Urei and Mary to attack with their forces and destroy the human world, as he called for storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and much more that would soon dissolve the Earth. Raymond then let out a light through his mouth and eyes and began to scream with all his might, the warm light coming out of him melted Sisi and Mimi and killed them. Then Raymond magically dressed in a mix of red and gold, with a glowing crown of green, blue and red rubies. Then it was revealed that he was the prince of the 7 seas, the protector of mermaids and water, Raymond Loud!

- What happened? (he said)

- Ra, Raymond? You're the protector of the mermaid princesses! (answered Annie's best friend mermaid, Sid)

- I knew it, I knew you were my protector, my Raymond! (said Annie)

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