The Attack and Destruction of the Kingdoms

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At that very moment, Annie's father, Arturo, attacked the kingdom and killed anyone in front of him. The water demons grabbed Robert and Maria each in their own way, Islets created water dragons, Mary threw ice cubes, Urei created cyclones and storms, and Eril destroyed everything with her dark forces, while Sisi and Mimi sing a dark song that made them sleepy everyone and made them Arturo's slaves. Arturo then turned Annie into a Black Nymph of the Sea, who would obey all his orders, also her urine turned black, the inside of her eyes turned black and her chestnut eyes turned red. Arturo destroyed the other kingdoms of the mermaid princesses and made all his princess Nymphs. All 7 were now Arturo then turned Annie into a Black Nymph of the Sea, who would obey all his orders, also her urine turned black, the inside of her eyes turned black and her chestnut eyes turned red. Arturo destroyed the other kingdoms of the mermaid princesses and made all his princess Nymphs. All 7 were now water demons, Annie, Marmaid Jordan, Paige, Stella, Christina, Sid and Cookie.

A Moving Love Story (Lincoln X Ronnie Anne)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα