Chapter 25: The Turnabout Terror and Demon Prosecutor's Victory

Start from the beginning

"I assumed you would want to have this, Herr Edgeworth" Klavier said as he presented the autopsy report to me.

Perfect. I examined the report and discovered that the Head Detective had done the reports from this case and the previous one! I looked over to Phoenix and locked eyes with him. We both have this trial figured out! Now, let's reveal the truth to the court for everyone to see!

(3rd's POV)

"Your honor, the defense wishes to present new evidence for both cases!" Phoenix shouted seriously as he gained everyone's attention in the courtroom.

"Present this evidence immediately!" Justice Justine demanded seriously.

"It was strange to me. I found a lot of evidence conveniently at the crime scene and yet there was a single bell present. It made me think this whole case was a huge set up from the start. So, I recalled the unique outfit Mr. Gant wears. I noticed the bells and decided to visit his office to see if I could find out anything different. Imagine my surprise when I discovered the Chief of Police had a secret safe, holding information to both crimes!" Phoenix shouted as he slammed his hands on the bench, "So, why did you hide those two pairs of gloves? Whose blood is on the gloves?!"

Damon Gant couldn't speak a word to them as Makoto slammed his hands on the bench.

"These are two separate samples! One from the IS-7 Incident. The blood is from Neil Marshal! The second pair of gloves is from Damon Gant! None are from Chief Prosecutor Lana Skye!" Makoto shouted seriously as he then pointed at Damon Gant.

"Which means the chief prosecutor wasn't attacking anyone! She was just defending herself and being framed for murder!" Phoenix shouted as he pointed at Damon Gant.

He began to tremble in place as Klavier Gavin punched the wall behind him to gain his attention.

"I'm afraid you're running out of places to hide! You see, that wasn't the only piece of evidence we had tested. Do you remember this bloody cloth? We also found it strange. Now, thanks to the work of that Fräulein Detective Skye, we were able to figure out that the blood is from Neil Marshal" Klavier said with a smirk, "I remember studying that case when I was a young kind. Neil Marshal was trying to figure out a string of botched police reports. His work pointed to you! I am guessing you got rid of him, because he was too close to discover a truth which would've ruined you!"

Damon Gant took a step away from them as Miles slammed his hands on the prosecutor's bench.

"Lastly, the autopsy report. The forensic expert on the case found it strange that she couldn't find a proper time of death until she reread one of Sherlock Holmes's case file involving a body hiding in ice! You placed Neil Marshal's body in a freezer of some kind! You then took the body to frame the chief prosecutor!" Miles shouted seriously as he pointed at him.

Damon Gant began to panic until he shook his head at them.

"But why would I want to get to of the chief prosecutor?! What is my motive then?!" he shouted at the defense and prosecution.

"I don't believe we have the right to answer that question" Phoenix Wright said with a smirk on his face.

"Indeed, Mr. Wright. We can't answer that question when the chief prosecutor herself can answer it!" Miles Edgeworth said seriously as the chief prosecutor stood up and faced Damon Gant.

(Lana's POV)

He looked very frightened as I gripped my scarf to make the crime scene appear before everyone. I stepped out of the defendant's chair and stood by my scattered case files.

The Turnabout of Hope Book 1: Establishing the Truth in Our LivesWhere stories live. Discover now