Edge of power

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Just a heads up. Ima just skip to the end where they finally arrive to overhaul but with a little suprise.


Y/N: I'm going to go scout ahead and see if there near. You guys got it?

Jotaro: hang on. If your going so are we.

Bruno and his gang nods.

Y/N: ok then. Let's go!!

We all run forward. As we do the entire ground rumbles a bit. When we finally reach there. We see overhaul fighting Mirio.

(ZA waurdo clip)

JTime stops and I run over to him and leap at over haul


Platinum world punches Overhaul. Time resumes and overhauls is sent crashing into a wall. I sigh.

Y/N: well that was very anti cli-GAUK!!!!!!!

I look down and see multiple spears throughout my body. Platinum world breaks them off and pulls them out. I feel myself slowly healing and see overhaul starring at me with rage.

Overhaul: more heroes......that won't do.....and better yet.....your a stand user.....

Jotaor lands next to me along with Bruno, narrancia, abbachio, and mista.

Overhaul: it was a mistake coming here....because now...YOULL ALL BE DEAD!!!!!

The ground in front of him shatters and turns into giant spears and flys at us. We all move before mista fires a bullet at overhaul but suddenly gets hit by something.

???: Youll have to be quicker then that.

Both start firing at each other while we continue to avoid overhauls attacks.


Mirio nods but suddenly gets hit by a spear.


(ZA waurdo clip)

I run towards Overhaul along with Jotaro and both of us throw punches at him before Jotaro freezes. I continue until time resumes and he's sent crashing into a wall.

Y/N: your both outmatched and out-

Overhaul emerges and barley touches my arm and it explodes. My eyes widen.

Jotaro: Y/N!!!! GET OUT OF THERE.

I leap back as much as I can before overhaul stands up.

Overhaul: you think I'm outmatched......I'll kill all of you before you can even have the chance to-

A fist punches Overhaul across the jaw and we all see Bruno's stand punching him from a zipper in the wall.

Bruno: I'm afraid your time is at an end overhaul.

Overhaul: Bruno Buccarati......

Overhaul touches the ground and it explodes with spikes and all of our stands break them while mista took cover. Bruno grabs overhaul by the neck and Sticky fingers throws a punch at his face. He does this repeatedly before overhaul pushes him off of him and then sends out multiple spikes at us through the ground. Bruno zips up an opening in the forums and hops in while the rest of us break the spikes as fast as we can.

Y/N: this insane!!!!

I see mista fall and I stop time running over to him and grabbing him and landing.

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