And I definitely don't date and fall in love .
She is an idiot thinking I'll beg her to come back . Like I said I don't give a fucking shit .

So right now I'm attending this shit of a party for clearing her doubts that she is ever getting back with me and as Ferit's boss I'm going their to congratulate him for being engaged .

Ferit is a man of talent . He is ambitious and very hard working and is a complete asset to our company hence he has my respect .

And we get along well.

When some nights I don't feel like fucking he , Engin and I often go to the club and have fun . Though Engin and I have a completely different relationship he is my best friend along with his wife Piril and my dog Sirius . He knows all about me . So when the news about Selin and me hit the media he was the first one to call me and we had a good laugh .

Engin is the head of finance and is also a parter . Piril is the head of raw materials and a partner . The three of us went to the same college . They both started dating in the 3rd year and now are happily married.

To say Engin is pussy wipped would be an understatement . I don't know how is he satisfied with just one .

Well maybe I think people do fall in love and get happy with one person but for me , my father wasn't satisfied with just my mother and I think I won't be satisfied with just one person to . And therefore wedding is a far away concept for me .

Though my mother still believes in happy endings and was very mad at me when I ended thing with Selin . They got along well unfortunately. I mother wasn't able to see the sly creature Selin was under her too good to be true facade . But I , I saw it from miles away but I did use her to clear up my reputation . But she is very cunning and plans from miles away . Hence all this engagement shit.

Well she doesn't know me . I can read her each and every move and I know very well what she is trying to do . But what she doesn't know is that she is battling a losing game .

I have evidence , evidence that can destroy her career if she tries to speak a word about me to media .

Well she slept her way to the top of modelling industry.

I feel sorry for Ferit but then I think that it's his mistake for falling in love .
Love is for fools .

And I dont like interfering in people's life . So I won't say a word . Though it will be good if Ferit comes back to his senses I would hate to lose an asset at work .

Work , my work is the most important thing for me . I have worked my ass of to be where I am today 'at the TOP' and I fucking love it .

I'm the youngest billionaire bachalore  and the sexiest man alive both according to Forbes . So live a life full of luxury.

My company is a clothes designing and production company . I'm currently the world's best designer . Last year I even got an award in London . I have completed my M.Des in fashion designing and masters of business administration from Oxford University . It's the best of the bests .

I like doing what I do . Making eco stainable fabrics and then designing them into something stylish and comfortable.

"Serkan you are making a mistake . She is a very nice girl and she lives you . She is beautiful and her family is also God and well as she is famous and popular. Don't let her go ." my mom's voice broke my daze . Here we go again the Selin prayer continues.

"Annem I don't want her and she is not good enough for me . Most of all she is getting engaged , please stop interfering.' I replied my teeth gritted , trying to calm my anger. I did not want to lash out at her but it was becoming unbearable ... Everyday the same rant . It's fucking annoying. It's almost like she doesn't wants to understand .

"Tamam Serkan do as you wish . I won't interfere" she said while trying to fix my perfect tie .

"Evet annem , I will . Now I have to go and make an appearance . Bye bye."
I say and leave the house with my phone , wallet , car keys and gift I don't know what is in it . Leyla got it arranged .

My car is a beauty. I fucking love it .

I get in the car and drive towards the venue

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I get in the car and drive towards the venue . It's a half an hour ride and I let my thoughts wonder to why don't I have a date by my side .

Well the women I'm currently fucking are not very popular and I don't negative media that after Selin my standard degraded . Hence no date .

I arrive at the party . Give my keys to the valet to park my car and my eyes wander to the spectacle in front of me . It's fucking beautiful. The flower choice is amazing . Though I'm allergic to most flowers. The ones used here are my favorites . The decorator has done a spectacular job.

Suddenly my eyes catches a lean figure in yellow dress along with two other people by her side .

I only see her back and her long sleak legs and a perfect round ass . She's curvy at the right places and the dress is doing wonders to her figure clunging to her body at all the right places . I wonder who designed it , it looks like custom made to me . Whoever has is full of talent and potential.

The girl's hair is open and she is wearing killer heels . Just looking at her rear is making me hard . I look down to see a small bludge appearing near my crotch . I look back up and puff .. she is gone .

I need to see her , know who she is . I wanna know if she is just as perfect from the front as she is from behind . Well I fucking hope so .

My mind suddenly starts to fill with images of all the dirty things I could do to the perfect ass and her .

I shake my head to clam my self. And decide to go inside and wish the couple good luck and then search for the woman in yellow..... She looked like someone I would like to fuck .

So with my mind made I enter the hall.

The second chapter comes to an end .
Did you like this Serkan ?
He is robotic even here ... All he cares for is just work and work and work .
Now that both of them have been introduced the next update might take some time.  So be patient.
Maximum will be one week.
Is this storyline fine ?
Does my English require improvement ?
If you have suggestions do tell !
I like reading your comments and will try to reply to all of you .

PS: Which car would you prefer ?
        Eda's , Serkan's or Deniz's ?

Shatakshi ❤️

Invisible Handcuffs ( EdSer )Where stories live. Discover now