I viewed myself in mirror wore a strapless yellow bra and a matching thong since the dress I decided on was yellow in colour and had a very thin strap and ended on my upper thighs . The dress was a winner . It highlighted my long long legs very beautifully. My breasts were accentuated as the dress was custom made .

I had designed it myself as a gift to me for graduation. I hadn't had a chance to wear it yet . So when the opportunity presented itself , this dress has had been my first choice . It had a sense of sophistication it in . It was just the right amount of slutty as well as classy . I quickly applied a light bronze makeup highlighting my jawline and applied a nude lipstick .

I wore my strappy high heels and I was ready .

I wore my strappy high heels and I was ready

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I took my clutch and went downstairs.
Melo and Deniz were waiting for me in the living room .

Melo looked beautiful in a white polka dot dress . She looked at me up and down and smiled . I smiled back at her .
Deniz wore a suit . To say he looked handsome would be an understatement . He looked sexy .

He looked at me and his jaw dropped

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He looked at me and his jaw dropped . I laughed at his expression and turned towards hala . She had tears in her eyes . She wiped them hastily and open her arms for a hug . I hugged her lovingly . She was my only family and I loved her with my all and my life .

"Well ? " I asked and all the three of them cleared their throats as the daze was broken .
" You look gorgeous Eda"

"Beautiful canim "

"Sexy dada "

All three of them said at the same time and a laugh erupted from my mouth and everyone started laughing .

"Come on , now that everyone is ready go to the event . Eda please check that everything is in order and if anything is missing call me . I'll see what can be done. If you think something should be changed do it or improve it . Remember it's our first big client and this will be a boost to business so be careful and don't make mistakes ."

"I trust you and you know that I love you " hala said .

"Evet hala .. don't worry everything will be fine . I'll make sure it is . You just enjoy your date with Alex " I winked at her .

She blushed and waved her hand and said " Enjoy " and closed the door .

We sat in Deniz's car . He insisted that he would drive us . I wanted to protest but it was a miracle that he was going so I decided to keep shut.

I went towards the passenger seat and was opening the door when Deniz came from behind and opened the door . I smiled thanking him and sat inside . Melo was seating in the back seat and Deniz started his grey Audi .
It was a beautiful car . I had a BMW which I had bought with the help of a loan , a saving account and the money which I earned in Italy through teaching during my stay there .

But this specific car was stunning, I liked it . We were near the sea now . The ride would take atleast twenty more minutes so I decided to turn the radio on. S & M by Rihanna was playing . I liked the song a lot and I started singing and Melo joined me .
Deniz was smiling and looking at me but not saying anything which was again WEIRD .

But I decided to talk to Melo about it later . She would know what's wrong after all she is his sister .

I continued singing for the rest of the way . We finally arrived at our venue . It was spectacular . White and pink orchids and blue lilies were used for the decoration along with various combinations of roses and tulips . It looked absolutely fucking perfect .

We got down . Deniz held out his hands for Melo and I to hold it .

"Let's do this " I said taking and deep breathe.

We grabbed his hands and walked in together .

The first chapter ends here .
Next chapter will be in Serkan's POV .
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Please be patient, it's my first story and encourage me to continue.

PS: Do you prefer rose or tulips and in what colour ?


Invisible Handcuffs ( EdSer )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora