Chapter Eight

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(Heads up, you may have put two and two together already, but I wanted to let you know I took the Ali storyline out of this book. It just didn't fit with what I have in mind.)


I am a complete idiot. How completely stupid of me to think that anything would change. After the night in Buck's car, he canceled our lunch date, claiming that something 'came up.' It's been weeks now and he still avoids me like the plague. If he didn't work with me I'm sure I would be ghosted by now. Surprisingly though, Eddie hasn't had much to say. He only gave me a smirk when I stumbled into the apartment that night and gives little to no commentary when I vent to him about being ignored. Which, ironically, doesn't help the 'feeling ignored' part. 

So, for the last few weeks, I've been an adult or have tried to be. I show up at work, I make jokes, I actually do my job, I provide support and advice to the others on the team, but I still catch myself staring at him. I just wonder what is going on inside that big, dumb, beautiful head of his. He's caught me looking of course but only gives me an uncomfortable smile before dashing as far away as he possibly can.

I didn't do anything. Why is it so painfully awkward? HE kissed ME. Maybe I'm just a terrible kisser. Am I just too messed up for him?

My thoughts are interrupted, as usual, by the trucks backing themselves into the station. I try and make myself look busy by sorting through random papers in front of me. 

"Hey, are you busy? I need to talk to you." Eddie huffs, leaning his arms against the top of my desk. 

"I am, but what's up?" I say, pausing on rummaging through the pages.

"Did you uh, did you happen to hear anything this morning?"

"Oh you mean you and Shannon moani-"

"No, not that," He interrupts me, "When Abuela brought Chris home."

"Uh, no I didn't hear much. I did however run into Shannon in the hall. She seemed distraught and very angry. We only exchanged a glance and I helped her get to the backdoor unseen." We may not get along, but I don't want to see Chris put in a position he shouldn't have to be at nine years old.

"Thanks for having my back. I really appreciate it. I uh, also wanted to ask you, did you talk to Chris today?" He inquires, eyes squinted.

"Not about much, just how staying with Abuela was. Why?" I rebut, eyes squinting to mimic his tone.

"He's mad at me right now. I told him I had to work on Christmas Eve. Mae, you should have seen the look on his face. It's bad enough I had to work last year. He was crushed, but there's nothing I can do about it, and now he won't talk to me." He explains, his face softening at the thought of his son being upset with him.

"Ed, he's a kid. When he sees that Santa came he'll forget all about it. What does he want anyways, I have to go shopping before the crowds get crazy." I ask, pivoting the conversation slightly.

"Considering he is giving me the silent treatment I don't know. He won't tell me. He would be happy with anything his Aunt Mae gets him though. You know you don't have to get him a present, right?" 

"I know that, but I'm going to anyway and you can't stop me." I push.

"Oh yeah, and who is going to take you to the store?" 

"Uhuh, You got me there." 

Before our conversation can continue I see a call flash on my computer screen and I know what is about to happen.

"Incoming," I say with a sigh.

Eddie only has the chance to give me a sideways glance before the alarm sounds out, ringing loud as ever. 

Hold The Line -Evan Buckley-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz