Chapter Two

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Mabel Jane- 

  The crew returns from their call sometime after the sun went down.  I was wiped out.  It was a long flight and a day filled with conflicting emotions. After they left I curled myself up on the small cloth couch and fell asleep. I didn't realize that I had drifted off until I was woken up by a gentle shake to my shoulder. Cracking my eyes open I saw Eddie standing over me with a dopey look on his face. He was exhausted too, and it radiated through his whole body, his posture slouched and eyes drooping. 

"Ready to go pick up Christopher from Abuela's?" He questioned. He seemed to be in a rush to get out of the building and home to his son.

I nod in reply and stand up while stretching my legs from the position I was in while sleeping. We make our way down the staircase together and join everyone else between the trucks. People for the next shift are filing in and beginning their routines around us. It seems everyone on the 118 lets out a collective sigh of relief that the day is over. 

"Well, Mabel it was nice to meet you, but I think it's time I hit the road." Bobby says while reaching out his hand for another hand shake. He pulls away and bids goodnight to the rest of the group before taking leave towards the parking lot. Hen and Chimney also recite pleasantries and split from the group. 

Two pairs of eyes land on the only person left. Buck is leaning up against the side of the firetruck. His eyes are focused somewhere outside, but I can see the far off look on his face. Eddie seems to notice as well because he speaks to break the silence between us.

"Buck," He says as he claps the blonde on the shoulder. "You still up for movie night tomorrow? Christopher won't stop asking me about what movie you want to watch."

"Yeah, Ed for sure. Just call me and we'll figure out a time. Hey, maybe Mabel can pick out the movie this time? Just no chick flicks, alright?" He jokes with a lopsided grin. 

"Hmm, that's too bad I was thinking The Notebook!" I reply, matching his jesting manner. 

We all begin to walk towards the parking lot, Eddie dragging my suitcase behind him. I'm honestly to tired to fight him about how I can pull it myself. The street lights are the only thing illuminating the lot as we approach Eddie's old red truck. My luggage gets tossed in the back and I climb into the passenger seat. Buck walks towards my side so I use the crank to roll down the window. 

"It uh, It was nice to meet you, Mabel. Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow? We didn't really have a chance to get to know each other earlier." He remarks, while fidgeting with the key ring in his hands. 

I try to break the awkward tension by saying, "I'm not holding it against you, with having to save lives and all."

Another stupid joke that isn't funny. Good going, Mae.

To my surprise he laughs and nods in agreement before backing towards the jeep sitting nearby. 

Eddie and I ride to Abuela's house in comfortable silence. I'm just enjoying the company, but I'm sure the gears are turning in his head as always. We pull into the driveway of the quaint house after about 20 minutes and Eddie kills the engine.

"I'm glad you're here, Mae. I just want you to know that as long as you need you have a place to stay with Chris and I." He mutters after a moment.

"Thank you, Eddie. I promise I will tell you everything soon. For now though can we just enjoy being together again?"  I say, already knowing his reply. 

I don't wait for it though as I hop out of the truck and make my way to the front door as it opens. Chris comes barreling out when he sees his dads truck in the drive. Eddie meets him halfway and engulfs him in a giant hug before setting him down and turning towards me.

"Christopher, Do you remember your Aunt Mae? She came to stay with us for a while!" He exclaims, voice full of excitement.

Christopher makes his way over to me and I squat down to meet his height as he gives me a hug next. He giggles as I tickle his sides gently and greet him.

"Hi Christopher, how have you been buddy?" 

"I'm good. I'm so happy you're here to see me." He says. 

After saying goodbye to Abuela with promises to drop him off in the morning we pile ourselves back into the truck. It's a little more cramped this time, but I don't mind. Christopher turns the radio on and starts to hum to the top 100 music playing through the speakers. Once we arrive at the apartment Eddie grabs my bag out of the back of the truck and leads the way through the complex. His apartment is modern and nice, but minimal. It's very... Eddie. I softly giggle at the thought of throw pillows and decorative towels everywhere. 

"Hey, I was going to ask you why you only have one bag? Are you planning to stay for a while?" Eddie questions, while filling up two glasses with water and handing me one.

"Well, that's a story in itself. When I left I was afraid that he would somehow get out and find me. To prevent that as well as I could I packed three bags. The one I have with me and two others that I filled with his stuff and random junk he wouldn't notice was missing. I booked my plane ticket and checked in the three bags. One to come with me and two that I sent to New York. I left the receipt for those in the house where he could find it." I reply. 

Eddie interrupts me while grinning, "So he would follow those bags instead of you, smart girl." 

The rest of the night consisted of us settling me into the guest room. I put my clothes away as Eddie set up a bookcase in the corner that he had bought but procrastinated to put together. Christopher eventually fell asleep on my bed, and Eddie carried him to his room. After bidding goodnight to Eddie I buried myself under the comforter and fell into a dreamless, peaceful sleep. 

-Authors Note-

Hello! Thanks for checking out my new story. I'm super excited for this story and where I plan on taking it. I haven't written on Wattpad in a long time so excuse me if im a little rusty. I'll get the hang of it again. I just love 911 and had to give Buck the love he deserves. I'd love to hear your opinions and creative critiques! I plan on writing out another chapter tomorrow. 

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