"Ugh—!" She barely managed to argue back before the class door to 1-C slid open.

A girl with a brown bob and bangs stepped out, along with dark black irises. Next to her, another younger looking individual with a light blue pony tail, tan skin, and dark blue eyes walked with her. And lastly, a redhead with glasses and long, straight hair that flowed down her back.

They all turned to you and Lucy, immediately rushing over to Lucy's side. The four females took, "intimidating," stances and stared at you with suspicious gazes.

You took a short notice that Lucy was the most buffed up one here. The rest of them looked very.. frail, almost fragile.

"So? What is it? What do you want, huh?" You rudely questioned.

The redhead stepped forward and spoke up.

"We heard you're.. ahem... going out with, what's her name? Ashido?" She asked you in a strangely calm tone of voice.

What? You weren't going out with Mina...

"Well then... anyways, listen up. This is U.A. The
school for heroes, not... well... you know, ahem, gays."


"We don't want you here, in other words. It just makes us.. females.. a little bit uncomfortable." The one with the bob explained with a serious tone.

"What are you implying..?" You weakly asked. Your anger seemed to be kicking in.

"Don't you get it?" Pony tail said, like it was obvious.

Your fists clenched tightly. Red was fading into your vision. Teeth grit, you took a small step back and attempted to stay calm.

Lucy took a step forward.

She laughed before saying,

"We think everyone here is equal. Except for faggots."

You leaped towards her, bones shaking with fury. You've never felt such.. hatred towards someone before. It was strange, like you had completely lost control over yourself.

However, a hand caught onto your shoulder and held back your arms.

Lucy looked shocked, as did the others. They rapidly ran off.

Your breathing was heavy and raging, heart pounding like a continuous drum. Every single vein inside of you was practically filled with extreme wrath. Stopping, you turned around to find orange hair tied into a side pony tail. Her green eyes looked worried, yet her face was strict.

"Hey, are you alright? What happened back there?"

You tried to speak, but the only thing that came out was huffing air, as you were too caught up and confused to even form properly full sentences.

"I'm Kendo Itsuka, are you able to speak?"

You nodded and looked away in shame. Cheeks burning brightly, you felt beyond embarrassed. How could you let yourself just slip like that, and then proceed to cause a scene? At least only one person saw. Well, you hoped so.

"I'm.. I'm fine. I apologize for making a big deal like that. I should've kept my temper under control. Oh and.. my name is [Last Name] [Name]."

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault, I saw them aggravating you. Next time, just try to ignore them. They only want a reaction out of you.But hey, let's not resort to violence, ok?" She grabbed both of your shoulders tenderly.

Once again, you simply nodded.

After that whole fiasco, you sat on the steps in one of the stairwells. You dug your hands deep into your face.

'That was so humiliating. I should NOT have let my anger just be free like that. I mean hey, at least there was someone to stop me. I got lucky this time.'

"[Name]? Are you there?" Someone called out, their familiar voice echoing through the stairway.

"Yeah.. that's me. I'm right here.." You tiredly responded.

"Finally! I've been searching all around the school for you man!" It was Mina. She rushed down the steps and crouched down in front of you. "Hey what's wrong? Why do you look so down?"

Taking a chance to uncover your eyes, you looked at Mina. She held a frown across her pretty face.

"Oh uh... just some girls that were being rude. That's all. You don't need to question everything, you know." You certainly didn't want to go into detail right now. Not in front of Mina.

"Whaaaa? Who? What'd they say? What'd they look like? C'mon, tell me!" She impatiently whined.

All you did was sigh and smile. Mina looked confused yet annoyed at the same time.

"Ahhh, it was nothing."

"Hmm... I don't believe you! But fine, I'll let it go for now."

Her skin was the color of blush, her hair falling around her face, her grin felt so bright, and that's all it took for her to make your entire day.

What a beautiful girl.

The bell rang very loudly and irritatingly.

Your bestfriend said nothing and pulled you along to your classroom.

People stated as you barged in, the peace and quiet soon interrupted with your presence. They just turned away and averted their eyes.

Mina sat down in her desk, and you sat on top of it.

She was a little flustered at how small the distance between you two was.

Her eyes focused onto your legs. The black stockings were pulled up just at the perfect height. Your skirt was being slightly shortened as you sat down, which exposed the side of your back thighs just a tiny bit. She saw the smallest glance of your black underwear and once again, Mina's face was on fire like the sun.

You huffed before turning to the pink haired alien girl. She was too busy blushing to pay attention to anything you were about to say, so instead, you just sat in a, "comfortable," silence.

And then you took note of how a certain someone was staring so menacingly at you. Red eyes were burning hot, and his eyebrows were knit closely. He did not seem pleased one bit. In fact, he looked jealous.

So, you just shrugged and scooted closer to Mina's face, crossing your legs, which had made her blush harder since she could see your thighs way more clearly now. Oh, and she could see the side view of your underwear too.

You didn't understand why she looked so bothered, but you didn't say anything about it and simply hopped off of her desk.

She still didn't look up at you.

i'm wayyy too tired to put a desc rn

ok that's all bye hope you enjoyed ig

𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 [Mina Ashido x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now