#8: Albert

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Albert originally worked on the Furness Railway with Edward and Mickey. He mostly acted as the Station Pilot for Dalton, but also worked on a small Branchline called Skarburogh.

When the FR closed in 1904, Albert was sold to the London, Brighton & South Coast Railway, and worked there along with Timothy, Young Tucker, Emma, Stepney, Chris, and Nicholas. Together, all 7 Tank Engines worked on the LB&SCR for almost 20 years, up until it was absorbed into the Southern Railway in 1923.

However, many years later, Albert, along with the 6 other Tank Engines, were purchased by the North Western Railway in 1971 in order to help out with the Mixed-Traffic work.

Albert was reunited with Edward and Mickey, and the three of them spent a lot of time catching up, before the seven new Tank Engines were given their new assignments. Albert was sent to work on the Crovan's Gate Branchline along with Roger, Hannah, and Hong-Mei. The 4 of them worked hard, and thanks to their efforts, all traffic on the CG Branchline ran like clockwork.

However, several decades later, Sodor had to be evacuated due to the Nuclear Power Plant that was on the Brendam Branchline. Everyone was able to escape from Sodor just before the Power Plant exploded. If they hadn't, then all of them would have either died, mutated or been killed due to the dangerous radiation that the Plant contained.

Everyone escaped to their new home: The Island Of Life, a massive Island about half the size of Australia. A new Railway (currently known as the South Eastern Railway) had been built for the Engines. Albert was among the massive group, and was promptly given a new assignment: working on the Lowfell Branchline with his original crew: Roger, Hannah and Hong-Mei.

Albert is still working on the SER to this day, and he couldn't be happier than where he is now.

Albert's Whistle sound.