Sick >Norman

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   "I just can't believe your sick again." Emma sweat dropped.

"This is literally the second time this month!" You smacked your forehead.

"I read a book that said albinos are more prone to sickness." Ray flipped through a medical book trying to find some kind of treatment.

"Guys I'm fine I just need rest." Norman tried to shoo off his friends but gave up when they didn't budge.

"You need rest, but we need the smart guy! The group is incomplete without you!" You cried.

Ray picked up another medical book, "Yeah, what y/n said. Even when your random intelligent remarks are annoying as hell, it's still weird not hearing them."

"I'll go make some soup! That always makes me feel better when I'm sick!" Emma clapped excitedly.

The albino humbly protested "Oh. Emma you don't have to-"

"Don't even TRY stopping her Nor, you know it's impossible." You pointed out. Emma skipped out of the infirmary.

"Ah! Here it is." Ray pointed to a spot in his book you looked at the spot he pointed to. Norman coughed before doing the same. "This herb is supposed to cure you pretty quickly if you've got flew like symptoms. He pointed to a blue flowered plant. "I'm pretty sure I've seen tha5 in the forest before. I'll go get it." Ray closed the book and stood up.

"Ray you Don-"

"DONT even start. We are taking care of you and that's finale. Mom is sleeping so there is nothing she can do about it either." You scolded him.

Ray nods "Yeah, what Y/N said. I'll be back shortly." He walks out in search of the plant.

Norman coughs again "I don't want you to *cough* *cough* catch my cold." His pale skin was turning a bit red from his fever.

You took the towel off his forehead and got it wet again before placing it on his forehead again. "I won't get sick. I ate dirt as a kid remember?"

Norman laughed "Hahaha! No, when did you do that!?"

You giggled "around the age of 6" you recalled. "Ray told me it tasted just like chocolate as a trick." You both laughed.

Soon after your friend went into another coughing fit.

"How's your throat feel?" You asked concerned. He rubbed his throat "Just a little sore. I wish my immune system wasn't so weak."

You shrugged. "Genes are a bi-" your own sneezing cut you off which you tried to ignore but Norman thought otherwise.

"I told you you'd get sick. You should go before it gets worse." He crosses his arms.

You wave your hand "It's just a sneeze, Nor. Probably just allergies, not a big deal." You suddenly started coughing.

"Not you too." Emma walked in with a bowl of soup, looking at you sorrowfully.

You glared at her "AS I told Norman it's just allergies *sneezes* n-nothing more." Your face started to turn red and you felt heat rising to your forehead.

Emma set Normans bowl in his hands and felt you forehead "Your burning up, Y/N!"

"It's hot in here" you retaliated

"No, you just stubborn. "Ray walked in, hands in his pockets 'Sorry, I couldn't find the plant, must only be in the human world or something."

Emma scratched her head "Aren't we IN the human world?"

Ray sighed at his friends ignorance "Yeah...anyway Y/N, you should lay down we don't want you getting the others sick."

"I'm not sick" you crossed your arms and coughed.

"Y/n. Yes you are. Just lay down and let them take care of you." Norman pleads.

"Says the one who *cough* was trying to get us to go away 10 *cough* *cough* minutes ago." You argued but lay down anyway.

You huffed and put the blanket over you, angered by the fact your immune system sucks.

Emma went and got you a bowl of soup and Isabella kicked Emma and Ray out so they wouldn't get sick.

You tried to rest but you just ended up tossing and turning. You HATED being sick, you didn't have patience like Norman.

"Hey, Nor? You awake?"


"I'm bored."

Norman laughed lightly, "Of course you are."

"Seriously. It so quiet without Emma and Ray."

"Oh!I know." Norman got out of bed and opened a drawer. He pulled out a cup that was tied to another.

You sat up in the bed, "a *cough* string phone?"

He nodded and walked over to the door and placed the cup out side the door and brought the other over to the bed.

You got up and sat next to him, "Now what?" You asked.

"We wait."

"For what?"

He didn't get to answer, the sting suddenly stretched out and you heard Emma's voice coming out the cup "Hi! Can you hear me?"

"Yep!" Norman spoke into the cup.

You laughed and said hi to Emma.

Norman smiled, "Still bored, y/n?"

"Not at all."

Yeah I didn't know how to end it so.........
I hope u liked it.
No one reads these idk why I make them.
Updates r slow cuz my internet SUCKS ASS.

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