3. her first orders

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Daenerys fell back in love with Drogo.

It was inevitable. She was ashamed of herself. Their marital relationship had been more than satisfactory. Daenerys had taught her husband the more fine aspects of love-making, and the khal's primal approach had only made them more enjoyable for the two.

But sex wasn't her only motive. She also wanted affection between them. His love.

All she had wanted was to be loved.

Thankfully, this was within his means both in the old life and in the new.

He would kiss her with a passion that she rarely saw in Dothraki couplings, but saw in the secret smiles that were exchanged between one of her khas and another of her handmaidens.

She would braid his hair, after which he would stare longingly at hers, that proved to be far too fine for his large fingers the one time he tried to return the favor.

Now, instead of it being a marriage in which Daenerys must please Drogo to gain her brother an army, it became a marriage wherein the Valyrian beauty had the horselord willing to do many, many things to keep her happy.

It was just as good as she remembered it.

She was careful to keep their affection away from the eyes of his bloodriders, who would undermine him upon any sign of weakness. She was even more careful to keep an eye on his kos, who had split Drogo's khalasar into pieces before his paralyzed body had cooled in her previous life.

All her loyal companions - her khas Aggo, Kovarro, Rakharo, and two of her handmaidens Irri and Jhiqui - were tasked to report dissatisfaction among the khalasar.

She thought to let Doreah in on this project, but feared her treacherous tendencies. An offer from a man with ambition, like a rebelling ko wanting to be khal, might sway her like Xaro Xhoan Daxos did in Qarth.

Even she had no trust in herself. Doubts had begun to form inside Daenerys every time she thought about bringing Westeros to heel.

She was happy here. Within the Great Grass Sea, there was no memory of a Mad King who made subjects distrust her for her blood ties to him. She had Drogo and Ser Jorah back, and many Dothraki acquaintances who became nameless to her during her conquest for the Iron Throne.

She had not burned any innocents here.

She wanted peace for herself.

However, a woman once named the Mother of Dragons was not meant for a nomadic life of mediocrity. Sooner or later, her problems would catch up to her. Drogo's khalasar would rape and pillage, and without her power from before, any attempts to thwart them would kill the man she loved.

And the dominance of a khal was temporary. Their peace is fragile. Their culture was warmongering. Anything can happen until she - not as Khaleesi of Drogo's khalasar, but of the Great Grass Sea - put a stop to it.

For now, she must nip any threats from the inside. Any dissents must extinguish itself before they led to a confrontation between Drogo and one of his bloodriders like the time when Daenerys had claimed the Lhazareen rape victims for herself.

And it began with a method that was the greatest weapon in what Tyrion Lannister once named the Game of Thrones: spying.

"Khaleesi, I can help. . ." Doreah had protested. She was right. She would have been most useful for such task, but also the most dangerous.

Doreah was still innocent. Innocent. Daenerys knew condemning her for the sins of her other self is the same as her being condemned for the sins of her father, or of her sins in King's Landing, but trust is not a thing she can afford to give freely now.

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