“Where is your dad?” Jessica interrupts again. “I would be worry to death!”

Ralph laughs, “Remind me to never go to the theaters with you.”

Jessica flushes embarrassed, “I’m sorry continue.”

Ralph stares at the huge beast a mile away. He looks up at the sun and notice it had to be around noon now. “This could be my chance.” He says to himself. He then stares at the bear again who was feasting. He tightens his grip on his spear and slowly approaches the wild beast and after minutes he was finally behind him.

He curses himself when he hears a stick crack underneath his feet. The bear raises which make him freeze. The bear turns around and rises on two feet roaring. Ralph almost pisses himself but he keeps under control and roars back. He then throws the spear and takes off into the woods with the bear on his tale.

A plan runs through his mind. What can I do? He quickly figures that close to camp there are emergency spears planted. He takes off runner faster. ‘You could risk the people.’ Ralph thinks but re-thinks thinking it is his only choice.

Finally he was there after running almost a mile. The bear was still behind him. He speeds up and falls to the ground digging up a spear. He turns around quickly and see’s the bear running full speed to him. He gets in his stance his father taught him and when the bear stands and swing he ducks taking the advantage sticking the spear deep into the bear gut. The bear roars and cries out in pain. Ralph having sympathy for the beast turns the spear, killing it quickly.

The bear falls backwards and Ralph stands exhausted. He then quickly turns his spear when he hears movement. It was Miles. “What are you doing here?” Ralph sneers.

“I got to hand it to you brother!” Miles pat Ralph on the shoulder. “I did not think you had it in you. A bear? Let’s go tell the people.”

“We’re telling them nothing!” Ralph sneers. “I will tell them. You are taking credit for nothing.”

They both hear footsteps running towards them. Miles pushes Ralph back taking the spear as his own. Ralph father and the others come out the woods. “Miles?” Ralph father the leader questions. He stares at the dead bear then at his son who is picking himself up.

“I killed the bear. This is what I brought home for us to eat!”

Ralph charges at Miles throwing him to the ground. Punching him in the face. Ralph father picks up his son throwing him back. “Father he did no such thing. I killed that bear. It was only me. Miles left me alone in the woods. Returning to camp. Or so he claim.”

“He is a liar.” Miles screams back. “I have the spear.”

“Because you took it!”

“Stop!” William screams. “No one will take credit. I will get the men to come get the meat.”

Ralph looks at his father in disbelieve. “Father I’ve been out here for days. I did this!” he could not believe what he was hearing.

“You have no proof son. Miles have the stick but he has no proof either. That he killed it.”

Ralph turns his face and runs to the village.

“That bastard!” Jessica says. “What happen?”


Later on that night. Ralph stayed in his tent. At midnight he was disturb. “I wish not to talk.”

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