"I got you. We got you, Pete.. Bruce! He's been throwing up for awhile now..Wh-What's happening?"

"He's going to be fine, Tony. I already gave him a shot. Just let him rest and get some fluid in his system." Bruce fixes up a IV drip for Peter. Peter who's irritated at the familiar needle in the back of his hand.

"Don't touch it, sweetheart." Pepper stops his hand from touching the needle and he looks up as Pepper help him drink some water so he can rinse his mouth, spitting out the acid in the basin that Tony's holding.

"Better?" Pepper asks, wiping Peter's lips and chin. The teenager slumping against Tony's chest.

"Where.. am I?" Peter asks eyes closed tight. Tony moves handing the basin to a Nurse on standby.

"In the medbay, kiddie." Peter takes in another shaky breath and Pepper rubs his back.

".. I'm.. sitting.. heard.. Morgan 's crying."

"Sitting where?" Tony gestures for Bruce to hand him the nebulizer mask and Peter welcomes the mist that enters his nose and lungs. Wincing at the cold plastic touching his warm skin.

"Ledge.." Peter mutters and Tony stiffens.

"You're not there, Peter. You're here! We're not letting you go back there." Pepper said holding his hand, combing back his curls, away from his pale features.

" 'kay.. Mom.. Dad was there. 's he here?" Peter said still disoriented. Dizzy from the fever and confused if he's awake or still dreaming.

"I'm here kid. Right here." Tony squeezes his boy in his arms.

"Right here. I'm not going anywhere, kid. Dad is gonna be here always." Tony sniffs kissing his son's burning forehead and Peter sighs. Acknowledging his Dad's presence.


"Right here.. right here honey." Pepper wipes her eyes, kissing her oldest' hand and his temple. Pepper joins in the hug sandwiching their son in a tight hug.

"Can't breathe.." Peter whines making Tony and Pepper chuckle a bit.

"Nebulizer is on, hun." Pepper said and Peter opens his eyes half way.

"Oh.. m'kay.." he hums nodding his head.

"Don't leave.." He says.

"We won't." Tony and Pepper says in unison and they shared a look.
"We got you, buddy." Tony said, kissing his son's head again.

Watching his son breathing finally even out without wheezing. Letting his own breathing out with relief.

"Did you get Friday back online?" Bruce asks once he made sure Peter is asleep and Tony finally calms down. Pepper is trying to calm him down for awhile now. He's been freaking out about Peter ever since he heard that 'word'.
"Yeah, Peter shut her off and I can say I'm not surprise but I am. I am not underestimating my son's intelligence but we're talking about my AI here. A multi-billion dollar AI. He just hacked it just like that. Rather than be disappointed. I feel proud." Tony shakes his head, smiling down at his sleeping son. Who's now asleep with a large iron man pillow in his arms with Pepper currently replacing his fever patch.

"Tony." Pepper crosses her arms over her chest.

"You will not tolerate this." She glares at him and Tony lose his smile.

"Yes Ma'am." He says sitting up straight.
"You better modify and add some more security in Friday's system. What Peter did is still dangerous."

"I know that. I'm working on it." Tony says, brushing Peter's curls back.
"And working on grounding him 'till he's fifty." He shrugs.

"Goodluck with that." Bruce says, shaking his head.

"The kid is notorious in getting us wrap around his little spidey finger." Bruce continues.

"Well.. I can say that's true in all forms." Tony said and Pepper hits his arm.

"Don't spoil him!" Pepper scolds.

"Ow! I will stop when you do." Tony retaliate and Bruce had to shake his head in disbelief.

"You both got this?" He says and both of them eyed him.

"I'm probably not ever gonna leave him out of my sight for a while." Tony said, sighing.

"Me too." Pepper sighs too, watching Tony brush their son's hair gently.

"How's your other baby?" Bruce asks.
"Morgan's fever broke. She's a bit cranky but nothing Natasha can't handle. I need to go there but.."

"Fridays online." Tony says squeezing her hand.

"Multi-billion dollar AI has a new protocol." Tony smirks.

"Friday?" Pepper rolls her eyes, smirking as she calls out.
"Upgraded System at 100%. Activating, Baby Surveillance Protocol." Pepper shakes her head, but she's smiling otherwise.

"Of course." No need to explain that program huh?

"No one's allowed to turn that protocol off. I'm still upgrading her security system. I'm not underestimating my son's hacking abilities but.. I'll let him have fun with it." Tony smirks but then.. he's still looking at his son, pride in his eyes.
"You do that.. but good job, IronDad." Pepper leans in kissing Tony before leaving his Stark men alone.

"Still worried?" Bruce asks.

"Always. I never stop, Bruce. Never will."

"Well.. that's true." Bruce sighs but he smiles right after, eyeing his friend who's in full parental mode.

His IronDad mode.

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