
"Wow, you are actually really good." I turned my head to ben giving him a confused look. I have purposely all this time trying to be as bad as  I possibly could. Which believe me is more challenging than it sounds. Trying to forget everything that Tony has taught me over the past 8 years is hard.


"Your technique is almost perfect, and your punches also hold great strength. It's just your aim, agility and dodging skills we now have to work on." I wanted to roll my eyes and curse the time when I ever begged my family for a combat lesson. Because relearning things you already know is worse than running a 25-mile run.

And trust me that says a lot because I. fucking. Hate. Running.

"Is that so sis?" I clicked my tongue and turned around to my smirking brothers.

"What is?" I asked folding my arms over my chest. "That I am good? Imagine how 'good' I'd be if you guys actually spent time with me and trained me."

John sighed and Diego awkwardly scratched the back of his while Juan just scoffed. "Why are you so bitchy about this? You should be grateful for this and not be such a spoilt brat." Juan growled.

I sucked in a breath refraining myself from teaching my older brother a lesson. "Juan stop." John glared at Juan.

"Whatever," Juan mumbled then scrolled through his phone.

"better watch out Juan." Diego sang throwing his arm around me while Juan continued to ignore us. "Won't be long until our little Lina will beat all of our asses."

Juan scoffed and threw Diego an unimpressed look. "You really think that she." .He said pointing to me. "Will be able to beat one of us. We have been training since we were fifteen and started learning the business when we were thirteen. She will never beat us she could only dream."

Ben gave me a sad look while glaring dangerous daggers into Juan's skull. I wanted to smirk, I wanted to laugh in their faces and call him a fool. But I need to wear my mask, I need to let him belittle me and my gender.

"Ignore him, Lina, he is just pissy because papa grounded him." John teased swinging his arm around Juan and shuffled his hair.

"FUCK. Off." Juan growled at John making him chuckle.

"BOYS!" papa yelled loudly making all of their faces pale. "Training time is over. Everyone go clean yourselves up then come to the dining room for some lunch."

"Lina?" I asked myself more quietly, silently humming to it.It was odd but brought a loving warmth to the cold forgotten hole in my heart. I hadn't heard that nickname from my brothers or anyone in my family for a very long time. 

Since the day I was kidnapped.

"what about it?" John asked me nudging my shoulder accidently hitting my ribs. I sucked in a breath as he hit them. They were still pretty messed up from the encounter with Tony the other day. 

"Oh nothing...I was just thinking." John hummed before Diego snorted.

"Don't think to much! your brain is to small for any of that."

oh brother

And just like that one hour and thirty minutes plus twenty-three-second training session was over. The girls all whined climbing up the stairs saying, 'ow my legs' or 'I think my nails are broken'. Whist I hardly broke a sweat and was hardly affected by the training session'.

When I went up to my room, I swear I nearly had a heart attack. "Jace, what the hell are you doing here? My whole family is here!" I hissed before quickly shutting the door.

Tainted handsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora