C. 1

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Idyllic. Have you ever felt so? The euphoric yet relaxing feeling of both happiness and calmness at once. It's magical, everyone deserves to feel it. No matter the person. I've only had the opportunity to feel it once. However, I'd take one time over none. The feeling is almost as beautiful as stargazing- which may I add is one of the best sensations. It makes me think, whats beyond the stars? They're just hast to be something more further along. You just can't tell me otherwise. Humans are really just tiny specs compared to the constellations and oceans, don't you think?

"Cordelia, hunny, wake up. It's your first day of class, you wouldn't want to be late." My mom slightly shakes me. I open my eyes slightly before slowly sitting up. My mom then smiles at me before exiting my bedroom. I'm attending a new school here. I moved from Bangor, Maine to Boston, Massachusetts to Edina, Minnesota. Mom says I, however, was born here in Edina. It was before her fallout with my father who I've got no thoughts on. I mean, what thoughts am I supposed to have? I've never spoken a word, seen, or been around him, I don't have much the opinion on the man. 

  I look over to my desk in search for the time. 6am. More than enough time for me to get ready. I walk over to my ensuite bathroom and hop into the shower. My scent of rose water body wash and shampoo dancing up my nose. I make sure to wash my face while I'm in there as well. I turn off the water before drying off. I head over to my sink to apply lotion. Then, brushing my teeth and using mouthwash. I walk over to my closet looking for a my new school uniform. I brush my hair and then smile at myself in the mirror. It shouldn't be too much of a change, right? I'm sure there will be more new kids other than myself, or at least one can hope.


  "I'll see you after school, alright?" My mom pats my shoulder as we pull up into the drop off section of the school. I merely nod at her before exiting the car and slowly starting my way up to the front glass doors. I walk up head held high, showing fear at new schools is never a smart idea. People see you as an easy walk on, something I'd know.

"Are you new?" I look over to my left and see a girl, 2 inches or such shorter than me, with blonde wavy hair, and freckles dancing along her face. She's slightly smiling up at me.

"Yeah, I just moved her from Boston Mass." I tell her returning a small smile. Her eyes widen a bit.

"Boston, Massachusetts you say?" Her smile grows even bigger. I merely nod and smile in response.

"Boston, Mass." I repeat assuring her.

"I've got family along Boston. Im Coralenna Levlue by the way." She sticks her hand out contently.

"Cordelia Clearwater." I shake her hand and nod at her.

"Well Cordelia, I think we would be the best of friends." She says laughing.

"I think we would too Coralenna, " laughter falls between us before she shows me my way in, realizing we both had the same classroom.


  "Woah- Cora are you okay?" Coralenna cut short mid hallway with wide eyes. I wave my hand in front of her face and snap my fingers. She flinches and then smiles sheepishly.

"Sorry, it's just.. look do you see him?" She points over at a blonde who's at his locker beside another pair of boys. Seemingly laughing at something while grabbing books- I presume- from his locker.

"Erm.. yeah..." I say slowly confused on why we're looking at these kids in the first place.

"I've just kinda had a crush on him since this summer. They play hockey here at the local hawks team- very good may I add." She says while looking at him with big heart eyes. I roll my eyes,

"I'll be the judge of that. I won state in Boston last year for hockey. Also managing to win nationals in dance with a perfect score of 300." I smile in triumph.

Mouth agape Coralenna begins, "No way! A perfect 300?!" I merely nod in response.

"I didn't even know you danced, Cordelia! I dance too,  you should join our studio! We could for sure use someone with your talent." She smiles up at me and I nod my head enthusiastically.

"Of course, you'll just have to let me in on the deets of the studio." With that we continue walking down to our classroom. However we only make it a few feet away before we stop, once again.

"Hey Lena, who's the new friend?" Coralenna stops abruptly and gulps. She turns ever so slowly causing me to lift a brow at her.

"Hi .. this is er.. this is..." She gives me a pleading look in her eyes. It doesn't take a genius to know she wants me to take the lead here.

"Violetta Clearwater, just moved from Boston Mass." I reply while looking  blonde boy in the eyes. His eyes widen slightly before he says,

"Mass State champs, right?" I shrug in response.

"Only one of my many held titles." Coralenna brightens up at this.

"She won dance nationals with a perfect score of 300!  Which is like totally difficult, not that you'd know- you're not interested in that kind of stuff. Or maybe you might! Your sisters in dance right?" She rambles on and then gnaws at her lip nervously. Blonde boy merely shrugs.

"Yeah she placed top at the 14+ division." My interest sparks up.

"Alora Banks? Solo performance of "As I" in the style of contemporary?"  His eyes slightly widen.

"Uh yeah, I'm pretty sure.." I nod and then in response say,

"She was my runner up, a good solo, really." I say confidently before looping my arms with Coralenna and walking away.  Coralenna looks up at me wide eyed.

"Wow you really need to help me get some confidence like that!" I laugh at her.

"Yeah, yeah."


"Welcome class! We have new seating placements so please find your name- table of 2- and take a seat!" Mrs. Granger said contently. I looked up at the boards and found my table in the back right corner- besides the windows- perfect daydreaming spot causing me to give a small smile before making my way over. I take the seat closest to the window. I take a look around the room and see Coralenna all the way over in the middle of the left wing. I frown slightly but figured it couldn't be too bad- I can catch up with her at lunch.                              

My head turns at the sound of a chair being moved. Blonde boy. I just look back up to the front of the room awaiting the lesson to begin.

"Right then,  everyone look at the person sitting besides them as they will be your partner for the rest of the year," If theres anything I hate more than pickles its being forced  say some boring stuff about who I am. "Take a couple minutes to let he/she/they know who you are!"

Turning to my left I begin, "My names Violetta Clearwater. I play hockey and do dance, sometimes play soccer with my sister- but thats more just for fun. I've lived in Maine and Massachusetts... I was originally born here in Edina. I have 2 siblings- a sister and a brother." After saying more than enough I turn back around and open my constellations book.

"Im Adam Banks, I have 2 siblings as well- like you. I play hockey and have won state for years in a row," His gaze lands on my book and I can hear the smile in his voice as he talks. "I like constellations and stars too. Sirius is my personal favorite." I look over at him smiling.

"Im a bellatrix fan." He puts a hand onto his heart dramatically.

"You woo me V! Bellatrix?" I laugh at this before arching an eyebrow at him.

"V?" His face flushes red as he stammers to reply.

"Well seeing as we are going to be best friends- we're going to need our own nicknames, right?"

Smiling back I respond, "Alright, Blonde boy."

"Blonde boy?"

"Blonde boy."

      1445 words-

A fresh start to this book. Hopefully the last time I get the strong urge to restart a book. :)

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