He Lives In Daydreams With Me (II)

Start bij het begin

"Never actually got to get a good look at your backsplash" Harry laughed ironically.

"You actually wanted to?" Louis replied.

"Yeah! I didn't know you were planning on fucking" Harry laughed.

"I didn't plan it wanker" Louis shook his head, laughing at the man. Harry looked around at the wall behind his counters, nodding with a small smile on his face.

"Well? What do you think?" Louis urged.

"Honestly, I don't think it really matches" Harry replied.

"What do you mean? It does match, see, blue and blue!" Louis replied, pointing at the accent tiles and the light blue cupboards.

"They're clashing, too much blue" Harry disagrees.

"Funny coming from the person who requests everything to be a specific shade of blue" Louis smirked.

"This isnt the right shade!" Harry cackled, throwing his arms up in amused annoyance.

They were both laughing messes by the time they had actually settled on the shade, both parties agreeing it wasnt 'Louis blue', or at least not up to Harry's standards to be considered as such.

After breakfast they agreed to go out grocery shopping for food. Harry grabbed Clifford's red lead as they exited the house. Louis opened the passenger door, both Harry and Clifford tried to get in.

"Okay! Okay, you win Clifford" Harry laughed, putting his hands up in surrender as he let Clifford hop into the front.

Louis just shook his head as he opened the back door. Harry began to get in when Clifford climbed over the center console into the back seat, laying down on his back across both back seats to expose his belly.

Harry smiled at his antics before scratching his stomach and hopping into the front seat. Louis closed his door before walking to his own side.

About half way to the store, Louis built up enough courage to stretch his hand over to Harry's, interlocking fingers. He still got butterflies around him.

Louis parked the car when they got there. He didn't open the door though. He just sat there.

"We have to talk about this" he broke the silence, looking up at Harry.

"What is there to talk about?"

"If we go out there, somebody will get a picture. Its unavoidable. Are you...are you sure you want to?" Louis said quietly.

"Do you not want to?" Harry replied.

"No, no I want to more than anything. But this will out you, it will out us" he said. Harry squeezed his hand.

"I want to. I really, really want the world to know you're mine" Harry spoke, making eye contact with Louis.

Louis cracked a smile, nodding happily. They got out of the car. Flashes and distant gasps head as they walked into the store.

They weren't even holding hands and people were already freaking out. As they walked up and down the isles they watched as people 'secretly' took pictures of them. Louis smiled up at Harry just as a bright flash went off.

They pushed their cart to one of the registers, loading their items into the conveyor belt.

"H-woah" the cashier vocalized.

She smiled, her eyes wide.

"Hi!" She said excitedly.

"Hi Aalee" Harry replied, looking down at her nametag. Two small stickers were stuck on the white plastic beside her name on the pin on her shirt. Two hearts, a blue one and a green one. She looked down at her own nametag, laughing awkwardly.

She began to ring up the items, she breathed shakily through her nose, looking up after each item to smile at the both of them before continuing.

"Um, your total is $167.28" she said to them. Louis nodded, tapping his card on the machine.

Harry began to bag all the items that had pooled on the second conveyer belt.

"Thank you so much" Louis smiled at her before helping Harry pack up the things. She nodded, speechless.

"Hi! Sorry, um. Are you- are you Harry and Louis? Stupid me, of course you are. Its- I'm so-" she stuttered, her eyes crazy as she waved her hands around.

"Its us darling" Louis smiled. Harry took they bags in his hands before leaning down to peck Louis' lips, winking at Aalee before they walked out of the store.

"Oh my god" Aalee whispered before running into the breakroom. She called her best friend, screaming into the phone.

She told her that she had just met Harry and Louis and that they kissed infront of her. Of course, her friend didn't believe her.

"Check Twitter!" Aalee screamed at her friend. And surely enough, all the photos from Harry and Louis from the grocery store were on Twitter, spreading like wildfire.

Aalee heard her friend crying before hanging up.

Harry and Louis walked down the street, back to their car. Paps were already accumulating so they walked quickly.

Harry had 2 bags in each hand, so Louis reached over to take half of them from Harry. Harry looked over at Louis, shifting the bags all to one hand as he used his empty hand to interlock fingers with Louis.

"That's not what I- nevermind" Louis laughed as they made it to their car. The groceries were quickly loaded into the trunk as they sped away, back to Louis' house.

The photos quickly trended, breaking the internet and catching the attention of every single news outlet. Articles and interviews were set up, they got hundreds of emails and texts, either congratulating them or asking to set up appointments for interviews.

They nestled together on the couch under a blanket with large mugs of hot cocoa, Clifford laying ontop of them, fast asleep.

And that day was only one of many happy days together.

A/N: hihi, sorry that was short and sucky.
Take care!


I Cant Help Falling In Love With You {L.S}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu