End of Y1

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Y/n's POV
End of Y1

I  opened my eyes seeing the ceiling above me, as I stood up I felt the pain all over my body. I looked at my surroundings not being able to recognize where I was. My eyes slowly adjusted, giving me the chance to realize I'm at the  hospital wing. I was confused how I got here the last thing I remembered being hit by something and everything going black. What's exactly happened to me everything was a blur.

As my thought ran all over my head I felt slight shuffling on my bed and low mumbling, I turned my head to the side. I saw the bushy hair hand covering a bit of her face. I slightly smiled knowing who that was none I there than Hermione laying there. I didn't want to wake her, but if I really wanted to know what happened she was the only one to answer. I shook her awake making slightly jumped up taking a look around, until she noticed my presence near her. She immediately hugged me tightly. I felt pain all over my body, making me wince a bit but I didn't care I hugged her back,

"(y/n) your alright!" She worriedly exclaimed, I slowly nodded looking at the other side seeing Ron starting to wake up, I smiled at his figure before turning to Hermione. "Hey what happened?" I asked Hermione, "Wizards chess remember" she said, I looked at her confused, wizards chess I thought. It took me a few seconds to remember what had happened, that's when it hit me, moments ago Ron had to risk me in order to win the game and  I got hit by the sword. I'm very lucky to be alive I thought.

It took a bit for Ron to fully wake up, I couldn't believe he also risked his life. I thought he'd win the game because of the move he made but he also had move into a dangerous spot. I'm happy he's safe. The three of us stayed silent for a moment to let it sink in what could had happened earlier, but that didn't last too long when I seen Madam Pomfrey coming towards us, "Ah you're awake good, you are free to go" i looked at her confused, how can I be okay, but yet again it is possible. "Really I can leave?" I asked she nodded her head look facing Ron "Ah yes you too Mr.Weasley"

"Hey where's Harry?" I looked around not seeing the boy anywhere, "oh about that, he went through the last door and he hasn't comeback." I widened my eyes how can we leave him like that. "What are we doing here we need to help him!" I got up quickly, but I felt my body ache a bit, so Hermione pulled me back, "don't worry help is in the way, he'll be fine trust me," I sighed in relief  slowly lied back, calming myself down, "Harry is okay I mean we both sacrificed ourselves, because it was him who was supposed to go in not us," Ron assured giving me a smile.

"Since we can leave from here can we go back to the common room and wait for Harry," I stated both Hermione and Ron smiled nodding agreement. The three of us walked to to the common room seeing it empty since it's pass curfew. I just couldn't get this feeling out i was really worried for Harry, it was literally eating me up inside. I just wanted to know whether he's okay because he who mustn't be named is a very dangerous everyone knows that.

Later that night we waited for a long time, but luckily we got news. Harry sent to the  hospital wing, all of us were relief that he's okay. I mean he's our friend, what would we do without him. So Hermione, Ron and I went over to visit him, when I say we ran like never before we literally ran. As we got there heavily breathing, but not caring we were stopped. Professor Dumbledore stood right in front of us.

"Hello kids I'm assuming you're here for Harry," he spoke, we looked at him nodding our heads in sync, "Yes Professor I know it's late, but we were so worried for him can we see him, please." I said with pleading eyes, he slightly smiled giving a short nod before walking away, as we walked forward seeing Harry's figure there were were stopped. "One more thing, Harry successfully retreated the stone from Quirrell, and I just want to say thanks," we stood there smiling at him with proudness written all over our faces.

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