Drunken Truth(s)

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Prompt: Reader and the 501st go to 79's and start drinking. Chaos ensues when Reader starts getting absolutely plastered and starts telling the truth.
Warnings: Sexual references, alcohol
Notes: This one doesn't really make sense; there's alot of... Confusing moments.

"Okay, okay, we should really be getting her home by now-" Rex began, expressing slight worry for his girlfriend. "Aw, don't be like that, captain-!" Replied Fives, patting his captain on the shoulder. "Don't you have anything you want to ask her?" Rex sighed. "Of course, there are questions I want to ask-"

"Then why don't you ask her now? She's most likely going to answer truthly-"

"-I was going to say, of course there are questions I want to ask, but not now, when she's drunk. That would be taking advantage of her." He continued firmly. "Come on, you know how relaxed (Y/n) is about these things. She definitely won't care as much as you think." Rex let out another sigh. There were some things on his mind that he wanted to ask her, and Fives was true: (Y/n) didn't really get angry at this sort of thing. Or so he hoped. Either way, the captain sat back in his seat and stared at (Y/n) deeply.

She looked perfectly normal, as if she hadn't taken 15 shots in one go. But there was one difference. "(Y/n), how many shots have you taken-?" Kix asked, concerned on how well she was dealing with the strong alcohol. She laughed. "Eleven....teen-" She managed to slur out, causing the 501st to chuckle. Yep, she was definately drunk. "And so the game begins-!" Rex smacked Kix on the top of his head. "My girlfriend is not a game-!" Kix laughed and lightly rubbed his head. 

"Okay, who wants to go first?" Fives asked his brothers, earning a silent reply. The only noise was 79's loud music (I like to think they play Uamee) and some background chatter. ".....Anyone?" Fives called again. "Come on, there must be something you guys have wanted to ask her?" He sighed. (Y/n) was pretty much an open book, so there wasn't much. "Hm.... I might have a starter." Said Hardcase. "On a scale of 1-10..." He started off. "How much do you love your boyfriend?" Rex sighed. "1..." Everyone gasped as (Y/n) took a sip of her cocktail. Even Rex was surprised by her answer. Maybe this was a bad idea. "Sorry captain, but it looks like-" (Y/n) put her drink back on the table. "....million." She laughed her drunken laugh. Even while absolutely plastered, she managed to prank the group of boys. "Ah, that makes more sense. What about you, captain? On a scale of 1-10, how mu-" Hardcase was interrupted by a hand to the face (not a slap). "I'm not drunk, Hardcase."

"Okay, next question." Echo scratched his head. "Actually, maybe Rex should have this one. They are dating after all." He looked towards Rex, who was thinking hard about his question. He did have one that was stuck in his brain ever since he first mentioned it. It had gotten to everyone too, but they never got a real answer. "(Y/n), what did you use to do for a living?" Everyone looked at the captain. "Good question. Maybe we'll get a real answer this time-!" They turned their heads to face (Y/n) in anticipation. "......." She took another sip of her drink. "....Please." They all groaned. "I thought for once she was going to answer..." One of the men said.

"Okay, here's one." Fives laughed at his own question, aware of the stupidity of his question. This one was definately going to earn a smack from Rex. "Out all of us - excluding Rex - who would most likely hook up with?" And, as predicted, Rex smacked his brother (mans is hitting everyone). While they were all chuckling at Rex's response, (Y/n) was deep in thought. "....All of you...?" The boys quickly whipped their heads towards (Y/n). "All of us-?" She nodded, spilling some of her drink in the process. She frowned like a kid. "At the same time-?" She grabbed one of the boys' drinks and took a sip of theirs, then spit it out and shrugged. "Mmmm......I don't know....It would certainly be an.......experience." All of the boys burst out laughing, some a bit pink from her confident response. "How 'bout it, Rex? You think we could-" This time the smack was violent, pushing Hardcase off his chair. 

"We're going, (Y/n)." She groaned and got up sloppily. "Ugh.....Gravity....I hate it...." She collapsed on the floor. Rex quickly picked her up bridal style. "I'll see you guys in the morning. Hopefully." The boys waved him and (Y/n) goodbye, but not before (Y/n) gave them a quick wink while Rex wasn't looking, earning a chuckle from the rest of the 501st.

Time skip :0
It was now the morning and you had a killer headache. Nevertheless, you still had to get up from Rex's bed and get to work. "Ugh....Everything....pain..." You groaned silently, hoping not to wake your boyfriend. Fortunately, Rex was already awake and out of bed, no where to be found in the room. The only evidence he was even there was a tray beside a table holding some aspirin and caf. "Ah, what an amazing boyfriend~" You purred, taking a sip of your caf. 

"Morning, darling." You were halfway ready, when Rex entered the room. ".....hi." Was all you could muster, still feeling extremely tired an just fed up with your headache. "How's that headache?" He joked, knowing full well of the cyclone inside your head. "Shush. You know how I feel right now." He sat on the bed as you washed your face in the bathroom, refreshing you just that little bit more. "Remember, we have that early briefing due...." You came out of the bathroom, looking somewhat normal (as normal as you're going to get after last night). "....In two minutes." Though you looked normal, you certainly didn't feel like it. "Ughhhhh-" He chuckled his adorable little laugh (mans is cute ok). "Do I have to go?" He gave you a kiss on your cheek and sighed. "That's the job cyar'ika." You wished desperately to stay in bed, but he was right and you had already gotten freshened up.

You had only taken three steps out of the room and you already regretted everything. Why couldn't hangovers just.... Stop existing. "Hey (Y/n). How's your head?" Asked Fives. "Shut. Just.... Shut." You slapped your hand lightly on his back (why do you and Rex keep hitting people). Echo soon joined the group and snickered at your state. Though many people might have missed it, but the boys could tell when you were having a killer headache. "Let's just go." You muttered, earning a chuckle from the boys. "Hey, you weren't serious about hooking up with all of us, right?"

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