Chapter 1: Beginning Of The End

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Qishan Wen, LanlingJin, GusuLan, QingheNie, YunmengJiang, OuyangBaling...YanlinWei. The seven Sects lived in harmony, feared and revered by all.

When famine and a mysterious disease breaks out, everyone- be it a cultivator or the ordinary person, was at risk of being taken by the icy hands of death.

Amid the darkness, the YanlinWei Sect, regarded as the weakest amongst the seven clans, rose above all and sailed through the crisis like it never took place.

The success of the Sect brought out suspicion. Rumours about Sect Leader Wei being the cause of the mishaps and using dark magic to grow his sect diffused into the air until it no longer became hear-say.

At the tiniest hint of proof, all but Yumengjiang schemed and attacked a family. Wei Changze stood on his grounds but his wife did not survive the ordeal, leaving behind a 6-year-old who was yet to present.

Heartbroken, the widower sends his only child away, to keep him safe until he was old enough to protect himself and the Sect.

Failure to subdue YanlinWei gave other sects sleepless nights. Everyone feared a retaliation may come when they least expected. The impending darkness subsided over the years, but it was never gone...

Thirteen Years Later...

It was another day to break bounds and run around with a helpless servant on his tail.

Clear skies with thin clouds, a cooling climate, shuffling noise of rustling leaves falling off: Wei Wuxian soaked it all in. It was another form of meditation and a gentle reminder that he was still an ordinary eighteen year old. Neither 'alpha' nor 'omega'.

"Master Wei, watch out for that tree.", his servant exclaimed from behind. "The stream does not have legs to run off, so SLOW down!", he adds- gasping for air.

"Come on Xuanyu, it's more fun to embrace the excitement of a forbidden dip in the river- this way.", Wei Ying swerves the said tree and goes left.

"Madam Yu will kill both of us if you so much as return with a scratch.", the servant's voice ramps like waves as he goes down a slope.

"Forget my Aunt, she'll never know if you dont freak out like the other day.", Wei Ying set eyes on the river.

"You returned with a limp! I told you that tree was too high up... Sometimes I think you're just trying to die."

"Pffft! Dont be silly... Here, catch these.", Wei Wuxian removes his outer robe and flings it in the air.

"What! Don't go in naked, the water must be freezing...Future Sect Leader Wei!", Xuanyu keeps his hands in the air to catch every single garment as he calls out a name he was not allowed to say outside the pier.

"Stop whining, it's just water...", Wei Ying jumped in from a huge rock along the river bank. "ohhh shit, it's cold.", he cussed.
His servant found a good spot to sit and watch the young man act like a child. After swimming in various directions and techniques, Wei Ying can no longer take the silence.

"Mo Xuanyu, get in the water.", his hands hit the surface childishly, resulting in a splash.

"Nope, staying right here...And catch some fish while you're in there.", Xuanyu lauded. Folding his Master's clothes, he scoffs and mutters. "With your thing dangling in their view, the fish will probably think it's bait. I hope they succeed in biting it this time around."

"You do know I can hear you loud and clear, right.", Wei Ying startled his friend with a surprise close up.

"No! I don't know what you're talking about. Hurry and let's go back.", Mo Xuanyu rants with his nose in the air.

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