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1 Do you believe featuring in meet the authors has helped you as a writer?

 I hadn't really noticed a difference.

2 What genre do you like to read?

Mostly classics, with a few mysteries sprinkled in. Or a really well written teen fiction.

3 What's the best piece of advice you have received on wattpad?

"Forget the numbers, just have fun." Me to myself, after being stressed out over the fact that I wasn't getting as many reads as I wish I was.

4 Are your stories on any of platforms ? (Instagram, twitter, amazon, ect)

Nope. Just Wattpad

5 Do you believe being apart of the wattpad community has helped you as a writer?

Not really. But being part of a community of writers with the people in my life has. My two sisters have been my biggest supporters since day one.

6 What's one story (on or off wattpad) that you would recommend someone read?

Other than my own? Mr Write, by joymoment. I might be a little partial considering that she's my sister and that's the funniest book ever written. If I'm allowed to say one of my own, then definitely Five Years of Fame. That book has seen so much blood, sweat and tears and I'm really proud of how it turned out.

7 How is your latest story going? Can you tell us anything about it?

It's going good! It's taking a while. It's a big passion project of mine so I'm aware that it's going to take a while to get it where I really want it to be. It's fun and cute and heartbreaking, all at the same time.

8 Do you believe interview platforms, clubs, contests and organization accounts on wattpad are a useful tool to new writers?

Not that I've noticed but they're fun to participate in.

9 As a writer, do you think its wise to write in more than one genre?

Sure! I'm a big fan of switching things up. Anything to keep from getting bored or blocked. I switched things up with format, that's how I have found I keep my writing fresh and exciting for me. Others might find that switching genres does the trick. The point is to write what you love, so who cares about the genre?

{Click on the link below to checkout this author's profile}

Meet The Authors Alumni edition #1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ