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Asami hated lying to children. But right now, she told Korra that they would be going on holiday with Jinora and Tenzin. The child luckily didn't question anything.

So here they were, standing outside the Spirit Portal. Though, there was a huge gap between all of them since Korra was still afraid of Tenzin.

"Are you all ready to go to the Sp.. I mean holiday?" asked Tenzin.

Korra was jumping up and down in Asami's arms. "Yay!! Holiday!!"

The four of them entered the world through the portal. Asami reconciled the time that she went to the spirit world with Korra, hand in hand. Such sweet memories that she cherished.

"You can open your eyes now, we are here." stated Jinora.

Korra's head wad tucked in Asami's shoulder. The raven haired didn't know how the state of the spirit world was. So she did that, in case it wouldn't be suitable for a little child.

And boy was she right. The place looked terrible. Barely any spirits were visible and there was fires starting from left to right. The vines looked all shrivelled up.

"Just what happened here..?" asked Tenzin who was shocked from the sight.

Jinora chuckled nervously. "We had a baby to look after.. so we sorta ditched the mission. Not that it was even our task in the first place."

Tenzin sighed deeply. "You should've told me."

"Well what can we do without the Avatars help?" snapped Jinora.

"We can do a lot of things actually." Tenzin hissed back at his daughter. "The sooner we deal with this, the better."

Asami interrupted them. "I thought the reason why we came here was to help turn back Korra?"

"Yes, that was the original plan. But I can't just walk around knowing that half of the spirit portal is on fire." sighed Tenzin.

"You have a point." admitted Asami.

Spending her time with Korra really made her open her eyes. She knew stuff about spirits and bending that she assumed she would have never known. She was not only connected to Korra physically and emotionally. But also spiritually.

"There is three of us for a reason." said Jinora. "How about me and dad try and put out the fires whilst you take Korra to that fog?"

Asami knew that would be for the better. Three people weren't needed to take a baby to a foggy place . "I'm fine with that. Just remind me what I'm suppose to be looking for?"

Tenzin was already long gone and Jinora was catching up with him. But the young air bender mastered still heard her question. "It's just a bunch of fog! It'll be hard to miss it."

Asami looked at Korra and Korra looked back at her. Guess it's just going to be the two of them. She didn't care. Actually, she preferred it this way since baby Korra would go all quiet when Tenzins around.

"Is scary man gone?" asked Korra.

Asami nodded. "Scary man is gone."

"Is it going to be me and you only?"

"Yes sweetie. Just the two of us."

Asami walked around for a little while with the toddler in her arms. She knew she was suppose to be looking for a foggy area, but she kept on getting confused with all this smoke.

After the 100th time of walking in smoke, she noticed a different type of gas. It was giving off very creepy vibes. Like it was physically telling her not to go there. Shivers were sent down her spine.

But she needed to muster up courage. This wasn't for her. It was for Korra. She couldn't just stop now, after seeing one eerie fog.

She took one last gulp. If anything went wrong at least she was still with Korra in the end. Even if it was a baby version. She then walked into the fog, with the little one snuggled up in her arms.


Korra looked around. She was confused as to how she got to the spirit world. And when she looked down, she noticed that she was partially naked. Like her clothes were to small for her, so they ripped.

She tried to force herself to recall what had happened but got no luck. Every time she tried thinking about that past day, her mind would go blank.

Her chain of thoughts were disturbed by a cry though. A loud cry which sounded like it belonged to a four year old girl. But why would a young girl be in the spirit world?

Korra didn't hesitate to search for the owner of this voice. As she got closer and closer, she could see a small figure. They were definitely a child. And that made Korra think, how did she get here?

The child must've noticed Korra as they started to run towards her. "Help me! I don't know where I am." the child whined.

The avatar lifted up the child. It was as if the you one was just wearing one long dress, when in reality it was just a jacket. Either someone forgot to buy the child proper clothes or the child just found these somewhere.

First thing she did was look around to see if anyone was around. Maybe one of those business people left the kid here by accident. That would have been real shitty of them if they did.

Whilst Korra carried the kid, they snuggled into her. It made her think of her and Asami's cuddles. She missed her wife a lot. Her mind failed her again as she tried to remember when the last time she saw her was.


Korra looked down at the child with a perplexed face. "Are you talking to me?"

Little arms were thrown on Korra's shoulder. "You are my mummy!"

Whilst Korra was confused as to why the child was calling her that, she managed to get a good glimpse of the young ones face. And they were very familiar. Way too familiar. And the clothes they had on belonged to a certain company she knew to well.


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