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Today would be the last day which Asami could hang out with Baby Korra. She promised Jinora and Tenzin that she would join them with going to the Spirit World tomorrow. That and Korra would most likely not go with just those two. The child was afraid of Tenzin and honestly, who could blame her.

In the morning, Asami cooked her a Water Tribe special dish. It would be good for Korra's last breakfast as a baby.

And then after the two finished eating, she braided the child's hair. It would be the last time she would braid Korra's hair but she didn't feel sad. Ever since Jinora told her that Korra had always wanted kids, it didn't make her feel sad about the child returning back to normal.

"Sweetie, I need to pop in and out of my work place and then we can go play all day long." said Asami.

Korra's eyes twinkled. "Can I come with you to your work?"


To spend more time with the child, Asami decided to walk to work. She had Korra hold her hand with her tiny fingers for safety. And when the child got tired of walking, Asami had carried her.

When Asami walked into the building, all her workers looked at her. Maybe it was because she was late. Or maybe it was because she had a child in her arms. Whatever the reason was, she didn't care.

She told her assistant that she needed to deal with some duties outside of work and that she would take a weeks leave. Her assistant was actually happy to hear that since Asami rarely ever asked for a break.

Whilst she signed a couple of letters for the a quick two minutes, Korra wandered off around Asami's office. The young child saw a photo of Asami and a woman hanged up on the wall. The woman had dark brown hair and blue eyes, similar to her.

"Asami." the child called out. "Who is this woman?"

Asami walked over to where the child was and looked at the picture frame. It wouldn't be wise to straight up tell her that it is her. "She is my wife."

"Did something happen to her?" asked the child curiously.

The heiress shook her head. "No, we are still married. She has to do something really important for a while, so that's why you haven't seen her."

"Can I meet her one day?"

Asami gulped. "Of course, anything is possible."

The raven haired took Korra away from her office immideaitly, she didn't want the child to find more pictures and ask more questions. Asami was unsure if there would be any after affects if the child knew who she really was. So she decided not to take any risk.

Once they were out of the office, they returned to the mansion since Korra requested they took Naga out with them. Asami listened to the childs requests for today since.. well you know the reason why.

Asami was quite a tall woman. And having a toddler sitting on her shoulders sorta worried her. But the child on the other hand, was having fun being so high up in the air. The cool breeze brushed past her face and she started to become cold.

"A-asami I am cold." the child stuttered.

She put the toddler down on Naga's back and took off her jacket, wrapping it around the child. After being with baby Korra for a couple of weeks, she kept forgetting to buy her a jacket. That or she wanted Korra to wear her jacket. Eh, whatever. Asami wasn't complaining, since there was many things she could do right now that she couldn't before.

"Hmm, we have been playing outside for a while haven't we." Asami smiled. "Would you like to go to Narook's Seaweed Noodlery?"

The toddler nodded eagerly. "I want to go there. But with you only. No shark."

Asami giggled, after all this time the child was still calling Mako 'shark'. "I promise, it's only me and you. No shark."

Naga sadly couldn't join the two inside, but the place was welcoming and let the polar bear dog play outside. Asami got a table for one since she knew Korra would be sitting on her lap. But when they got to the table, she noticed the young one not sitting down.

"Why are you still standing there? Come sit on my lap."

Korra shook her head. "I want to sit opposite you like a big person. Like Mr shark."

"But I only got a table for one since I thought you would be sitting on my lap sweetie." reasoned Asami.

The toddler felt giddy knowing that Asami actually wanted her to sit on her lap. Asami never said anything before about the child sitting there directly, but she always felt like she was suppose to ask for permission.

Asami had an okay lunch. As for Korra, she was full of food. Just like earlier, she had to be carried by Naga. Asami contemplated whether or not to take her home or to take her to one more place. In the end, she went with the second option as she remembered it was Korra's last day as a kid.

The finale place was actually a pro bending arena. Asami wasn't sure how Korra would react. But the Korra she knew, loved that place. Asami being Asami bought a private booth for her, Korra and Naga. The child was still asleep by the time they were in their seats.

"Korra honey, wake up." Asami softly repeated. She took the child from Naga's back and plopped her on her lap. "We are going to watch something okay? If you don't like it than we can leave."

Korra's eyes slowly flicked. When they were open, she saw something she didn't expect. People fighting and hitting each other using fire, water and earth. It scared her a little so she turned around and nuzzled her head into Asami's shoulder. "I don't like."

Of course she wouldn't like it she's a child. I'm such an idiot. though Asami.

"Do you want go home?" asked Asami softly.

Korra nodded. "I want to go home and hug you all day."

Even though Asami felt guilty for bringing Korra here, she couldn't help but smile at this innocent cutie. "Okay, let's go home and hug all day."

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