"I don't know about you guys but that sounded kinda sarcastic to me" Percy answered, looking at his friends.

"The problem I'd guess is the 'A being of power betrays' line." Annabeth explained. Of course she had figured it out right after hearing it Percy thought.

"A being of power could be anyone. But if it's about betraying us specifically, then only the Gods and End are on the radar." Silena said in understanding.

"But aren't you all pretty powerful too?" Leo asked confused.

"But we're by no means 'beings'. We are still as much half human half God as we were centuries ago. The only thing changed is the immortality and, because of the training, our strenght." Castor said.

"Yes but-...."


Percy's heart skipped a beat of surprise. Chaos had MM'd him and so he just ignored everything around him and answered.

"What Dad?"

"Oh finaly I got through.! I've been MM'ing you for a while now. Why did you block our thought connection? Is it the rebellious fase I've heard so much about .? I never thought you'd block your own father.. I even send Damien to see what's going on but then he decided to ignore me too ;-;"

"Enough Dad. I didn't block you. What are you talking about?" Percy asked confused.

"You didn't? Then why couldn't I get through to you? Only you, I and ...that person would be able to block it." Chaos said. Ah- So it was Ends doing wasn't it? But..could it be that then End knew everything already??!

"..why would..'that person' even wanna do that, and how..?" Percy tried to ask as discreetly as possible while nervously laughing.

"Either he did it to fuck with me again or he did it accidentally. His intire being is basically a clashing power to mine. So he only has to send a little bit of his power over to my planet and it'd cut our connection until his power dissappears. Either that or he is close to you or me haha.

"No! No worries. He isn't here.. Maybe he just pranked you again."
Can't have him find out that he's here. Dad would immediately come here too. That'd be such a great pain in the ass. Percy thought, though relieved that End probably didn't know.

"..thats good. First I only meant to ask what in my name the ability 'to control' you had talked about was. But now I wanna see how my favorite son is doing."

"I'm your only son"

"That's just details. Anyways. Care to first explain before I come over and start using disciplinary methods to teach my son how to behave and answer?."

"What are you gonna do? Send me to earth to see all the people who have betrayed me again.?" Percy thought sarcastically with rolling eyes. But the next sentence scared him more than anything ever will.

"I will destroy 'Finding Nemo's and 'The little mermaid's entire existence. I'll destroy all movies and wipe all memories of it ever existing. I will do it Percy. Don't dare me."

"FINE I'LL TELL YOU. But later. If I ignore the outside world any longer than this they'll think I'm dumb and totally disinterested in the conversation. And since it was a profecy it's kinda important." Percy said.

"Fine. MM me this evening or Nemo will say goodbye to his existence. Love you, have a great day, bye!"

Monsters..both brothers are monsters..;-; Percy thought.

"-So what do you think Percy?.." Jason asked.

...well duck. What were they talking about.???

"The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell is what I think." He answered and everyone stared at him weirdly. 

"Great to know that you know something about biology but thats not what we were talking about" Thalia said with a raised eyebrow.



Well that's it. Another chapter for my dear readers. Thank you for staying with me. Finally the story I didn't know what to do with takes shape. Although I still have to squeeze some End x Percy in there somehow, but I'm sure that'll be no problem. Everything for the enjoyment of my readers 😉😁 (Still sorry for any grammar mistakes and such in these two chapters. I wanted you to be able to read them as soon as possible.
Also, I think I'll start to edit the whole story soon since all the spelling and meaning mistakes are bothering me. And some sentences in the story that make no sense too.)

Percy Jackson and ChaosOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant