Chapter 1

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-  Steven Taylor: when you wake up tomorrow, all these will seem like a bad dream.

-  Emily Bradford taylor: what if there's no tomorrow?"

                                              From a perfect

I finally understood this quote from the movie 'a perfect murder' a movie i watched ten years back, aired in 1998.

I was in a situation whereby I wasn't just solely a victim but also a hard culprit. I knew isolone high was a school filled with darkness but I didn't imagine for one day that I and my friends would be victimized by it. If there's something I regret now is this;

"I wish I had never hidden Mr honeys dead body".


I hate mornings, I believe we all do. Sometimes I wish we could just start our day in the afternoon, I'm sure things would have been better that way.

When I was done with my morning thoughts, trying to remember my dream, fallingly.  I woke from the bed stretching my stiff bones looking at my tired face in the mirror.

"I can't wait to finish high school" I mumbled to myself as I sat down thinking of my not really good old days in Isolone high.

Isolone high is the school all parents want their children admitted in, it is highly equipped with so many good facilities, filled with the best teachers around the country. But that's not what made isolone so important.

What made it different was the real life cases we students needed to crack.

"Sasha what the hell are you doing up there, you'll be late for school!" I could hear my mum yell from downstairs.

I forgot!

I quickly ran to the bathroom hurrying up as fast as I could

Today is the second week of school, senior year, to be exact my senior year, my last year of school.

I ran downstairs with my school bag on one hand and a hair brush on the other combing my stong brown hair.

"Goodmorning mum" I greeted my busy mum with a kiss as she handed me a plate of food.

"You should hurry up, you know your school don't tolerate lateness"

"Yes mum I know, see you later" I gave her another kiss, took one bacon and left.

I didn't bother asking were dad was, he always leaves early for work, so I see him most likely in the evening.

Immediately I opened the door I saw Bryce my childhood friend as he looked at me with a "you're supposed to meet me first" look.

"C'mon let's hurry we have to catch up with Henry" I told him as I shoved passed him in a hurry.

"Yea says the girl that made me trek up here, I thought there was a pattern, you go to Henry's place then come meet up with me" Bryce harshly replied as he tried to catch up with me.

"Anyways Henry is not at home, he called to tell me that" he continued making me slow down.

"Why? This is unlike him we always go together wh.......

"Calm down I'm not done" Bryce interrupted automatically shutting me up. Then added, "He said we should all meet at Mamas for breakfast today, he's already there waiting"

"Are you saying we should ditch first period? You know I can't do that my mum will kill me if she finds out" I blabbered on and on making Bryce yawn several times.

"Mrs cunny our chemistry teacher had a little car accident last night so she won't be teaching us today"

"Oh that's great news I will join then" I jumped then paused when I realized I just said something dark, ignoring the fact that our teacher nearly died.

I think.

"Oh I didn't mean that, just that eh...

"Its okay, nobody liked her anyways" Bryce cut in with his head still facing forward.

Bryce could be so cold at times, mean to others and so straight forward, nobody could ever read his eyes and girls hardly approached him, because they all fear instant rejection, the tall dark haired hot guy in town. Well, I happened to be his friend and I'm so glad about that, I consider myself lucky infact, because he's so amazing.

Well, I haven't told you about Henry, my long hard crush, he's the type of guy every girl will want to date and I am no exception, we've known each other for quite a long time now but I've never confessed my feelings for him, I didn't want to destroy our friendship incase he doesn't reciprocate my feelings, but I'll surely have to do it one day, I just  need to gather up courage.

We finally met at Mamas and I could see Henry seating at our favourite spot alone.

Waiting for me huh;)
I mean us :|

"Hey henry" I muttered shyly as i sat beside him, hope he doesn't notice my weird behavior.

"Hey sasha" he replied back shifting my favorite dish to my side
"I'm pretty sure, you haven't eaten this morning well eat up."

Soooooo nice:)

"Thanks Henry, well actually....." before I could complete my sentence I noticed Bryce and Henry were quite distracted by the figure at the counter.

Well, I know why.. it's a young beautiful girl, she looks stunning but I've never seen her before around here.

When she noticed our gaze fixed at her she smiled and approached us.

Ughhhh was it that obvious??

"Hey, my name is veronica and I'm new in town, I was lost on my way to Isolone high, so I came in here to ask for directions" she said politely as she stood before us.

"Hey" we all replied back then andrew had to elongate the conversation.


"Hey you can join us if you don't mind" he said then Bryce shifted for her to seat directly facing Henry!!

"I am Henry pleased to meet you and this is Bryce and sasha my two best friends"

"Hey guys so pleased to meet you here" she replied but I had to cut in.

"I'm sure you've heard the rumors before coming to this town, only the strong survives"

"Yes sasha, I've heard about the rumors circulating town, but we are not here to cause trouble but rest from it" she sharply replied even though I find her answer quite confusing.
"I'm attending Isolone high and I'm sure you guys are too, judging by the aura you guys are emitting" she replied making Bryce and Henry laugh.

And yes I chuckled. A little.

"Don't worry you'll be fine there, as far as you are with us on your first day of school nobody will intimidate you" Bryce replied and I was quite shocked, why is he so nice all of a sudden?

"Thank you so much for that, I already feel at home like I'm back in New York and I hope we could be friends for a long time not just today.

I wasn't comfortable as I noticed the awkwardness between Henry and the New York girl.  Well, I know what to do next.

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New chapter.
And welcome as we embark on
this mystical journey.
I changed Andrew's name to
Henry, sorry for the inconvenience
It didn't just look fitting.

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