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KAITLYN DUNCAN LOVED to sing. It felt like it was a natural talent and to say so she was good at it. Everyone knew that Kaitlyn had a bright future ahead of her, no matter what life threw at her. Serial killers? done. Teen pregnancy? done.

No matter what happened she always got out of the mess with a bright heart. That's why she was singing her heart out at the stage. She loved everyone's cheering against her name.

She ran into the backstage with a big smile in her face. Ever since she starred in the production of Funny Girl she had been recognizable to everyone in New York.

She sat in her chair and started to wipe her makeup while checking her messages. She smiled lightly when she saw Ronnie's text message.

"sorry i missed your show hun, something came up with chad : D" Kaitlyn sighed but answered noneteless. She hated Chad the second she saw him but it wasn't her business to pry.

"of course girlie, dw" Her and Veronica were not that close during their high school years but once they both moved to New York for college they became best friends. Kaitlyn didn't know what she would do without Veronica.

Her smile was wiped out when she saw her agent. Carmen was always so sour and harsh with her but Kait didn't let it bother her. 

"You need to hit the tunes harder Kaitlyn." Her voice rank through the backstage. Kaitlyn rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Sorry Carmen." She retorted sarcasticly. "I have been singing this song in the stage for 1 whole year. I think I need a break."

Carmen crossed her arms. "Stars don't do breaks." Kaitlyn passed by her crossing her arms as well. "This one does." She remarked while walking away from her.

That night when she was sitting in her bed she wondered what life would be like if she stayed in Riverdale. The town that held many many bad memories but also good. She met her first love there. First loves are supposed to be memorable and Kaitlyn remembered Reggie and their little girl Quinn very well.

Did she ever wished to raise Quinn on her own? Yes, definetely. Having a baby in your sophomore year isn't that good of a thought but Kaitlyn thought it was worth it but she didn't know anymore.

She remembered the day that she went to New York and broke up with Reggie.

"Are you breaking up with me?" The recent high school graduate Kaitlyn Duncan asked her boyfriend Reggie. Her eyes teared up at the sight of her sad boyfriend. "I'm setting you free." Reggie answered his voice more soft than usual.

"Let's accept it Kait, this is not gonna work. You're going to Julliard and I'm going to community college. I don't wanna have that awkward long distance relationship!" Kaitlyn understood what he was saying but it still hurt.

"I know but... I-I love you so much." Kaitlyn's lip quivered. Reggie was also crying and he bringed their lips into one last kiss.

"I love you more."

Kaitlyn shook that thoughts away. He broke up with her and when she arrived at Riverdale in her christmas break he avoided her off all costs. That wasn't beeing a man. He wasn't the boy that Kaitlyn fell in love with anyway.

She shook her head before puffing and stopping by her kitchen to get something to eat. Her gaze stopped to the direction of her phone. Someone was calling her.

Archie Andrews.

"Hello." Kaitlyn spoke carefully, she heard Archie sigh in happiness.

"Kaitlyn hi, we need your help."


I hope guys liked this chapter! I like  the Reggie and Kaitlyn dynamic but I hope you will also like Tabitha and Kaitlyn in the story.

DYNASTY, riverdale (DISCONTINUED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя