Ch 2: Same Class

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Venkat gets admission for Aarav at the same school as Prajakta and Varun. Aarav got into the same class as Prajakta. Class room teacher informed "The new student has transferred into this class. Be friendly with him."

Aarav introduced himself to the other students in the class "Hi, I am Aarav. Let's get along well"

Aarav looked at Prajakta smiling at him. He got to his seat in the last row.

At interval, Prajakta sat next to Aarav and gave him Chocolate. "I am very happy. You will be studying same class as mine"

Prajakta sat diagonally to Aarav in the class. Aarav is not ready to mingle with anyone. He is quiet and alone.

At lunch, Aarav was sitting alone to have lunch. Prajakta usually has lunch with her friends when he sees he is sitting alone. Prajakta pulled Aarav to sit with her friends to have lunch.

Prajakta's friend Payal asked pointing at Aarav's and my lunch "How come you both have the same lunch?"

Prajakta said "Aarav is staying in my house. My father bought him home for me"

Aarav looked at Prajakta and other friends curiously said "For you"

Before Prajakta said anything awkward. Aarav said "I am her cousin"

Venkat picks up his children from school. Varun and Aarav don't get along. Venkat asked "Aarav, how was your first day at school?"

Aarav said in low voice "It's good uncle"

Prajakta said "Dad, Aarav got same class as mine"

Venkat said "That's really good to hear"

Varun asked "When will he leave our home?"

Venkat said "You like it or not. He will be staying with us from now on."

Varun said "I don't want him to be in my room"

Prajakta said "Dad, Aarav can share a room with me"

Venkat said "Look at your sister how she is friendly to him.. Aarav, don't listen to Varun. I will get you a separate room for you soon"

Varun asked "Dad, when you are buying me a laptop?"

Venkat said "I will think about it, when you get first rank"

Prajakta mocked Varun "He will not get more than 70 percentage"

Varun said "If I got more than 70 percent. Can you get me a laptop?"

Venkat said "More than 80 percent"

Prajakta asked "Aarav, how much percentage you will get in your exams?"

Aarav said "Above 80 percentage"

Prajakta raised her hand to give high five to Aarav "me too". Aarav lifted his hand and Prajakta slapped the palms of Aarav's with one's own.

After the exam, Aarav got 1st rank in the class. Prajakta got 78 percent and Aarav got 98 percent.

Prajakta went to Aarav and said with the sullen face "Did you say above 80, you actually got 98 percentage"

Aarav said "I didn't lie, I actually got above 80. You got 78. The person who lied is you but I am not angry at you". He got up from his place and left outside of the classroom

Prajakta called "Aarav, I didn't finish yet. Wait, I need to talk"

At home, Prajakta went slowly with the marksheet first "Dad, I need your signature"

Venkat signed right away saying "Not bad. Still you need to improve your marks"

Prajakta nods her head "Yes Dad"

Venkat asked "Varun, where is your marksheet?"

Varun muttered to Prajakta "How much Aarav got?"

Prajakta muttered "See it yourself. I already got signed in my marksheet and I am leaving to my room"

Venkat asked "What are you both talking about? Where is your marksheet?"

Varun took his marksheet out of his bag and gave to his father "65 percent. Don't you ever think about the laptop." and signed his marksheet. "Where is Aarav?"

Varun replied "He will be probably in his room"

"Ask him to come down with the marksheet. I will sign it"

Aarav went to Venkat with the marksheet. Venkat asked "Why don't you get a sign in the marksheet?"

"I am worried. You will scold"

"Don't worry, I will not scold you whatever mark you got" Venkat got a marksheet from Aarav's hand.

"Not me, Varun and Prajakta" when Venkat looked at the marksheet. He is surprised to see 98 percent.

Venkat said "I will not scold them nor compare them with you for your sake."

Aarav smiled "Thanks uncle"

Venkat said to Sheela "Aarav is very considerate"

Sheela said "I know, he helps me in the kitchen too. But Varun he don't like him"

Venkat replied "They are kids and will resolve their problems on their own"

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