The Piglin held the door as he awaited you, walking by your side as you enjoyed the calmness between you. You followed, chasing him at a steady pace as you joined him for a walk through the halls. "I have something to show you."

Your heart soared in your chest, anxiousness churning in your stomach. Somehow, with the way his smile grew with his words, made him more attractive than he already was.

You walked beside him, nudging his side in a playful manner. He returned your nudge, although because of his size, you nearly fell over. Your feet quickly found balance, turning to look at him before letting out a small laugh.

You had missed this.

"Did you sleep last night?" Technoblade asked, trying for some casual talk.

"I slept well, thanks to you." Smiling, it was your turn to ask him a question. "How about yourself? Did you get any sleep last night?"

Techno pondered over your words, letting you focus on his hair behind him. You hadn't noticed until now, but the way it flowed behind him gave a regal aura around him. He carried himself lightly, despite the strength you saw him show last night. How easily his was able to overwhelm his enemy with mere strength, and the talent he had with his weapons came from experience alone.

To imagine a battle with him was always frightening.

However, the Techno you knew was a kind soul that had grown up too fast. His voice was gentle, as if to not spook you out of your thoughts. "I slept better than most nights, although I worried I would wake up, and find everything to only be a dream."

You could understand that fear, of your reality fading into something you thought was real. Hauntings of a dream that would never come true, but rather stay in the back of your mind; mocking you for what you are unable to achieve.

"Yes, I understand that." Biting your lip, you pondered on how to proceed. Shifting your eyes to his hand, you hesitated. Should you do this? We're you even allowed?

Your hand found his, causing a notable breath to slip past his lips. His eyes didn't meet yours, but you didn't think you could meet his gaze anyways. Your heart thrummed as you squeezed his hand, continuing to speak with a newfound confidence. "But I assure you, everything here is real. The warmth in your hands, is real. The words I speak, are real."

Technoblade's hand squeezed back, engulfing your hand in a warmth so familiar to you. "Thank you." He sounded so vulnerable. Everything about him seemed so warm, from his smile, his fighting, hell, even his crown was warm when you once had it. It was strange how one could make your heart feel like this.

"Techno! Glad to see you could finally make it." The voice broke you out of your trance, hand leaving Techno's with a frantic flush on your face. The Piglin beside you did no better, the tips of his ears as red as he brought a fist to his mouth, clearing his throat.

Looking up, the embarrassment quickly faded into excitement when you saw two black wings fold behind the man who spoke. Phil's eyes were wide as he took in what he just saw, but it quickly morphed into a sly smile. The blonde opened his mouth, but Techno was faster.

"It's good to see you once more Phil, I'm glad you could make it." Techno left your side to embrace Phil, lifting the man off the floor and squeezing the air out of his lungs. Your own eyes looked around for your familiar friend, noticing a small fluffy tail hidden behind your feathered friend.

While the other two began to speak, you walked past Phil, hand tugging on the black and white tail. A small yelp sounded behind the winged man as they retracted further behind two wings, eyes peeking behind black feathers to look at you.

"Ranboo, there's nothing to be afraid of here." You laughed, watching as his eyes widened. Hesitantly, he stepped out from behind Phil- pushing the blondes wings out of the way, Ranboo's monochrome face came to full view of everyone. Unlike last time you had split apart, he didn't hesitate to find the embrace in your arms- tail swishing in happiness.

"I missed you." He whispered, letting you go.

"I missed you too." You replied, reaching up to ruffle his hair. He had grown taller in the past month without you realizing, and the horns on his head seemingly sharpened since the last time you checked. "How did you find me?"

Phil's white smile returned, gesturing to Techno who now stood beside him. "You see, Techno is actually my....son." Somehow, his smile grew even more, full of pride as the Piglin scratched the back of his neck.

Looking back between the two a few times, you tried to link together the similarities, the blonde noticing your confusion. "I adopted him after finding him in the tundra all alone. He was quite quiet, but loved to help me farm potatoes with his other brothers."

"Phil." Technoblade whined. You shushed him, intently listening to the story.

"He always got into trouble with mobs, while fighting hoards of mobs with a wooden sword. Oh! You should have seen him when he tried to help me bake a cake for my youngest, the flower ended up in every nook and cranny on him." Phil's laughter was contagious, causing you to laugh with him as Techno grumbled, walking away with tinted red ears.

The group followed close behind, Ranboo clinging by your side like a lifeline. You had been so relieved to have him back, safe in a place far from the Wither Skeletons wrath.

"The whole world was crawling with those skeletons (y/n)..." Ranboo whispered in your ear, leaning down to make sure no one else heard. "Phil and I couldn't find a proper safe place, so he built a portal.

We wandered the Nether for days, until we found the castle. But I was so sure I had lost you again, just after we found each other."

Your heart clenched, slowing down your walk as you took a moment to stare at his red and green eyes. He didn't remember his family, or so he said. But when you heard him sniffling at night, tossing and turning to run away from whatever his nightmares came up with, you knew he chose not to remember them, for their memory was too painful. You didn't want him to go through that pain of losing someone anymore.

Carefully, as if he would break, you embraced him again, running your hands on his back to soothe him. The hybrid made no complaint as he returned the security and warmth, humming in content as he forgot all about his worries.

"I'll never forget you, (y/n)." He whispered. "You're like the mother I've never had, and I wouldn't trade that for the world."

"Thank you, Ranboo."

His sweet words sent endless joy through you, feeling your throat constrict in reluctance to cry. The stares coming from ahead of you didn't bother you, instead taking one last shaky breath before parting from Ranboo. His tail swished as he followed you, joining Phil and Techno who were currently waiting for your brief catch-up to end.

"Ranboo," you started, gaining his attention. You gestured you Technoblade, who looked down to the hybrid with fascination, "this is Techno, the jerk I told you about."

The Piglin's head jerked to you, face twisted to a shocked expression. His eyes glimmered as he saw the smirk on your face, an idea forming in his head. Techno turned to Ranboo and held out his hand, awaiting Ranboo to return the gesture.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ranboo, (y/n) can't go a full day without mentioning you." He teased, eyes flickering to your direction. Ranboo smiled, already knowing how much pride you took in all his little accomplishments.

"Really? She's nice like that, I'm glad to have met her."

"Me too kid," Trchno chuckled, continuing his walk down the halls,

"Me too."

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