One Shot(?)

334 14 41

*Author-san tried to make things gender neutral, and y/n will be using the pronouns of they/them whenever mentioned by other characters. Another thing to note is that this story is ONLY fanfiction, so everything written here may or may not be true. If you dislike the shipping of Lumine and Xiao, then I wouldn't recommend you to read this, since it starts out with that kind of shipping. I wrote this during 1.3 and 1.4 update, so forgive me if it doesn't add up T-T. Enjoy ^^

Word count: 38k


"...!!" You fell onto your butt as you opened your eyes. It was rare to fall when you move worlds. How come this time it was so harshly done? Dazedly, you stand up in pain as your eyes try to adjust to the sight. It was so bright that you feel guilty to be bathing in such warm light.

Shortly after your eyes start to focus on the sight before you, you didn't waste a second to cut down the enemy standing before you with a sword in hand. They emit strong hostility and heavy karmic debt.

A monster was running towards you, but when you were about to strike it down, someone jumps down and kills the black-misted monster. That person had created a wind-like current that pushed you backward, causing you to fall again. Based on the appearance, you conclude that the person was a male but wasn't sure if he was young or old, since he had a mask on.

"You... How did you get here? What are you doing here, mortal?" The person stood tall in front of you, almost glaring down at you. His clear voice spoke to you, making you realize that this powerful person was a young male.

You look up at him. His black hair with some slight teal color flowed in the breeze. The curt and sharp tone of his was cold, yet soft and hesitant. What stood out the most was his outfit and mask. After not replying, he curtly tells you, "Leave this place now."

"To where?" You mumble as you scan the area.

He sighs and turns back to the monsters that were inching closer. All you could do now was not cause trouble for this man. You raise the sword to defend yourself. Those black-misted monsters were crawling towards you two, and there was no place for you to go.

"Run when I start attacking, and don't look back. Wangshu Inn is across that river, go there." He lightly motioned his head over to the place to show you.

You look in the direction, seeing the huge tree and the inn he talked about. Nodding at the directions he gave, you revert the sword to the dagger, hanging it by your hip, and prepare to run. When he starts to attack, a gust of wind pushes you out of there. You bolt towards the inn. Upon quickly making your way towards the bridge, you notice that it was broken, but there were some woods strapped together to make a path on the water that could help you.

You test out the sturdiness of the man-made bridge before stepping on the woods, making your way across. Once you had gotten to the rock that had talismans on it, only then did you look back at the man.

He had already dealt with the monsters, but the mask remained until a few moments later. Swiping his hand over his face, the mask disappears, but you still couldn't see his face well enough. You wanted to thank him for saving you, but he disappear. Taking this moment to calm down and wipe the tear streaks on your face, you take a breath of air before looking at Wangshu inn.

As for now, you can only go over to Wangshu Inn; however, as soon as you get there, you stand in front of the inn like a frozen stick. This was a new world, and you didn't have the right currency with you, not until the creator or God told you your task. Besides that, the map still held the previous mapping. Scratching your head, you feel a bit lost at what to do.

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