Stockholm Syndrome

Start from the beginning

"No, what you are doing right now, you are studying me and I don't like it"

"If I'm wrong then I'm sorry but you can't sit there and tell me you're okay when this whole time you were hurting yourself"

Regina looked away with scoff. Zira grabbed one of the books and opened it to where it was marked.

"Just listen to this. Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological response. It occurs when hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors or abusers. This psychological connection develops over the course of the days, weeks, months, or even years of captivity or abuse. Victims of Stockholm syndrome develop positive feelings toward their captors and sympathy for their causes and goals, and negative feelings toward the police or authorities."

"What is your point?"

"My point is when Lord Beerus first brought you here, what did he do to you?"

"Like I told you before remember"


"...He didn't hurt you did he?"

"Well in the beginning, I made it difficult for him but that was my fault but now he would do anything to make me happy."

*End of Flashback*

Zira's eyes open wide.

"Oh my God. How can I be that stupid and blind?!"

She yelled.

"Mom! You're overreacting, he didn't hurt me"

"That's what a person with Stockholm Syndrome would say. You defend him and you wanting to destroy Earth has nothing to do with me or your vendetta or your father, its because of Bulma. You think she tried taking him away from you"

"That's enough!!"

Regina yelled as she stood up angrily facing her mother.

"Beerus is a good man, he would never hurt me and he never will. The past is the past, the only person who is hurting me now is you!"

"And look at what it's done to you!"

Zira argued back.

"What is going on here?!"

Said a voice causing Zira and Regina to stop their bickering as they looked to the entrance to see Lord Beerus standing there. Regina immediately ran up to him and embrace him as he wrap his arm around her waist along with his tail.

"She's telling me that I'm sick"

"You're pregnant already!"

Lord Beerus yelled in shock.

"No, not that. Mother is saying that I'm sick in the head"

"Well you do have a dirty mind"

"That's not what I mean"

Regina said with a blush before looking away from him.

"She's saying I'm delusional"

She said before burying her face to his chest. Lord Beerus was surprise at the statement and looked to Zira who slowly made her way to him.

"I have my suspicion that she's sick"

Zira said quietly.

"Well your wrong!"

Regina yelled after moving her face away from her mate's chest. Lord Beerus paid no mind to the yelling as his mind quickly went to concern for his wife.

"What do you think is wrong?"

He asked.

"Let's sit and talk"

She suggested. Lord Beerus nodded as he gently forced Regina to sit beside him on the couch while Zira sat across from them.

"First, where are the children?"

Zira asked.

"Whis is watching them as we speak"

"Okay. Let's get started and then maybe we can confirm this situation somehow"

"Anything to make my dove better"

He said with a smile.

*15 Minutes Later*

Lord Beerus's smile quickly disappeared and was replaced with rage after Zira explained.

"Zira I'm not liking what you are insinuating"

Lord Beerus said quietly.

"I told you. Mother you just only came here to start trouble when everything is good between us"

Regina said with a hissed towards her Mother. Zira paid no mind as she stood her ground.

"You have to understand where this is coming from..."

But Regina cut her Mother off.

"No, you have to understand that this is coming from someone who just doesn't understand my feelings..."


Lord Beerus said quietly after a moment of thought. Regina immediately became silent as her mate spoke.

"Explain this to me again, in your opinion and the signs"

He asked to Zira. Zira slightly smiled at the thought Lord Beerus is willing to hear her out.

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