As amazing as the years of backpacking, coming back, and getting back on her feet were, they weren't made without some struggles of her own. Big and small. All of which Y/N pushed through with Bucky and the group's support as well.

The two were yin and yang. One only worked well with the other close by, which leads us to the present day.

Bucky still led strong in his player behaviors, and Y/N was still very much a free spirit. They would spend most of their weekdays at work, being the busy people they were, sometimes doing personal activities if the schedule called for it after hours. But for the most part, they always took the evening to relax and hang out together when time allowed.

After the fiasco from this morning, Bucky went in for an afternoon meeting and then called the rest of the day off since it was Friday and he was the boss.

Y/N had her private session with Justin Hammer, who paid well, but didn't fail to prove how egotistic, smug, and flirtatious of an asshole he was. The only thing pushing her to get through the allotted time for the asshole was her weekly paint therapy session with the veterans at NSLB Senior Home.

It would be only an hour and a half, but it allowed her to see some of her favorite people and decompress after a long week. It was just as much therapy for her as it was for them.

"Well, if it isn't the White Wolf," Shuri remarked as Bucky made his way into the senior home.

"Shuri. I didn't know you were stopping by today," Bucky responded, stopping in his steps and moving where she sat at a table with one of the residents.

Shuri was a college intern who worked at Barnes Prosthetics and Research. She was currently working on a mechanical model for elders to help with tremors and shakes. There ended up being many pros in having his feet in both waters of business. Where his family's business helped, his personal funding provided candidates to work along with.

"Wanted to work with my pal Mr. Jones since I won't be able to come in next week," Shuri answered before going back to messing with some wires on a contraption.

"Sergeant Barnes, you come to get your gal?" Mr. Jones, the older dark-skinned man, asked, looking up at him with a kind face.

"Lieutenant Jones, it's nice to see you out and about." Bucky smiled, crouching next to him. "I thought you were on bed rest for a little."

"It's going to take more than a migraine to take me down," he answered with a wink.

"It was an a-typical migraine," Suri added as she tinkered with the electronic in hand.

"Doesn't that have the same symptoms of a stroke?" Bucky furrowed his eyebrows at the older man.

"Something like that," the Lieutenant shrugged off.

"Tough ol' bastard," Bucky laughed, making him laugh too. Bucky had grown close to a lot of the residents enough that that kind of banter was welcomed.

"You never answered my question," Jones continued.

"And to reply the way I always do, she's just a friend," he sighed, standing. "But yes. I'm here to pick up my gal. It's a surprise, though," Bucky put a finger to his lips and patted the Lieutenant's back.

"Can't fool an old man with how you look at her, son. Your eyes show more than I think even you know."

"Ooo.. He got you there, Mr. Barnes," Shuri laughed, looking up for a second before smiling back down at her project.

"Need I remind you that I'm your boss," he raised an eyebrow at the young genius.

"Not my boss! I'll say it again," Jones interrupted.

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