Thursday March 1st

149 7 0

Mine and Alex's alarms went off at 6:30 and we got up. We got dressed and then headed down to breakfast. We ate and then Jill came in. 

Jill: Good morning ladies, we will have lunch at 12 followed by film. The bus will load at 4. The lineup is still being finalized. 

Once Jill finished talking, Kelley, Alex, Hope, Ashlyn, Ali, Tobin, and I all walked to get coffee. 

Me: man I hate have 7 o'clock kick-offs
Tobin: why
Me: that's dinner time, I'm always starving
Hope: you're supposed to have a snack when we load up
Me: you know I do, but I'm still hungry
Ash: I wish I could eat like you
Kelley: I swear

We all got our coffees and then walked back to the hotel. Hope and Ashlyn went to do keeper notes, Ali went to do her nails, and Tobin just came with Kelley, Alex, and me. We watched our show until having to head down to lunch. As we ate, we watched film on Germany. 

Jill: so our lineup is Solo, Krieger, Sauerbrunn, Ertz, Dunn, Horan, Lloyd, Heath, O'Hara, Morgan, and Solo. That is all. 

We were free to go and Tobin and I got a ball went to play soccer tennis outside. We stopped at 2:30 and went up to my room to join Kelley and Alex. We got our things and went down at 3:45 to load up. The bus took us to the stadium and we unloaded and walked to the locker room. I put on my warmup gear and then like Alex, climbed into my locker to do visuals. It was time to go so I put my cleats on and headed out with the team. 

We did warmups and then went back to the locker room. I put on my jersey and jacket and joined the walkout line. We had the anthem and the team picture before taking the field. 

The whistle blew and Germany kicked off. We mostly had possession but Germany was good at defending our attacks. In the 16th minute, Kelley crossed a ball in and I was able to get my head on it and flicked it to Alex. Alex took a left-footed shot from outside of the box and put us by 1. That was the only goal from the half. 

Back from the locker room, we took the field again and kicked off. Germany was fouling a lot so it was difficult to keep a rhythm. Moe subbed in for Carli and Long in for Julie in the 79th minute. The last interesting thing of the half was the yellow card given to Germany. The final while blew and we shook hands. 

We got our drinks from Dawn and then I walked around and signed a couple autographs before heading to the locker room. I got my stuff together and turned my gear in before loading the bus. We got back to the hotel at 11:30 and I went to the meal room to get food. I took it with me up to the room and ate while I waited for Alex to be done in the bathroom. I finally showered and then Alex and I crashed. 

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