Chapter 90: Hardin

Start from the beginning

"Hardin Scott?" I hear someone say over all the noise, and when I'm turn around, I'm pleasantly surprised it's not the black haired demon herself.

"Julianna. Hi." I greet her politely.

"What are you doing here? It's been what, five years?"

"I'm here to try and get a sponsor for my book, or shall I say, failing at getting a sponsor for my book."

"Oh no. I hate getting sponsors. Such a pain in the ass." She winks. "How are things? Vance still giving you a hard time?"

"Of course he is. That'll never change."

Julianna was my first publicist at Vance before Stacy. She was super chill and laid back. Her husband also worked for Vance in the office, but they had to relocate to New Jersey for his new job, so she got another job at a different publishing house. I miss having her around only because I could tolerate her. She and Tessa were super friendly as well. Tessa had to babysit her baby at the time if both her and her husband were working.

"How about you?" I ask her back.

"It's been a busy time for me. We moved back to the city last year since Derek switched jobs again, but I just decided to stay at the current place I work and commute."

"I see. I hope your new author is treating you better than I did."

"That's not possible." She laughs, and I know she must be joking. "Seriously, Hardin. You're an insanely talented writer. You made my job easy."

"Thanks, Julianna. Um... have you seen Tessa by any chance?"

"Oh she's here? I haven't seen her."

"Yeah, she's here. I am trying to find her in this fucking crowd but it's nearly impossible. You would think a blonde pregnant woman would be easy to spot."

She slaps my shoulder. "Shut the hell up! Tessa's pregnant!?"

"About six months."

"Congratulations! I know how much you two wanted to be parents."

"We're also married." I hold up my left hand to show the silver wedding band sitting on my ring finger.

"Wow." She genuinely looks shocked. "That's amazing. Who would've thought you would be a married man and expectant father."

"Not me." I chuckle.

"Well, I hope you find her. I should go find my author, but it was nice seeing you again Hardin. Tell Tessa I say hello."

"Will do." I wave goodbye to Julianna.

How the fuck am I going to find her? I should've borrowed Julianna's phone and dialed Tessa's cell.

"Julianna! Wait!" I call after her, but she's too far gone into the crowd to hear me. Fuck.

My fifteen minutes to find Tessa is coming to an end. I just need to find Stacy at this point to get my phone back. I bump and shove people aside so I can get to the ice sculpture.

"Stacy!" I shout above the noise. She waves me over, and before I can even ask her for my phone, she introduces me to someone she's talking to.

"Hardin Scott, this is Avery Jenkins. We were colleagues at my old job before I came to work for Vance."

Can you take her back? I want to say to this woman, but I don't want to appear rude for once. We shake hands, and Stacy and her continue their conversation. Of course Stacy is allowed to fuck around and socialize for however long she wants while I have to be on a timed schedule. She works for me, yet she orders me around. It's getting on my fucking nerves.

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