Puddin's Rehearsal

Start from the beginning

"I was tortured by a homicidal clown. What did you expect me to do?!" Jason yelled and his pupils slotted with pure rage. Dick flinched and looked away in guilt. He noticed his uniform hanging over the back of a chair and instead of continuing the argument that Dick wasn't really prepared to deal with, he scooped up the skin-tight material.

"I'll leave. I'm sorry for- everything, I suppose." Dick looked at Jason again and creased his brow in apology. He grabbed one of Jason's jacket that was laid across the desk and paused. "I-." Dick started his fingers picking at the leather material before he stopped and changed his train of thought. "I'm borrowing this. Bye!"

"Hey! Dick-" Jason gawked after him in bewilderment as the acrobat ran from the room with a cheeky grin as if their argument never happened. "-Unbelievable." He mumbled and huffed in annoyance.


Dick had just finished up the interview with Clark, swiftly pulling the man into a hug. Clark was quick to respond and they stood embraced for several moments before Dick pulled away and smiled sadly at the glass-framed faced man.

"You'll do right by him, won't you?" Dick asked despite knowing he would trust no other than Clark to write about the great Bruce Wayne, aka, Batman.

"Of course. He was a good friend and teammate." Clark nodded once and cleared his throat to remain professional. "Thank you for speaking with me, Mr Fox told me it was your day off."

"Yeah, but it's you." Dick's smile brightened and led Clark to the door. They shared another closed off gaze and Dick warmed as the man smiled back. "Come around more often, okay?"

Clark nodded again and left Dick to mull over what had just transpired. He managed to remain as much as Richard Grayson as he could be with Superman sitting opposite him. He could tell Clark was trying to keep his own identity from slipping into the man in blue. Dick hadn't even thought of the Justice League until Lucius had spoken Clark's name that morning. He couldn't even begin to think about how they were all mourning the Batman. Another thing to add to his endless list. Dick ran his hand down his face and ignored yet another buzz of his phone. It had been pinging almost constantly during the interview. Dick had seen the twitch of Clark's brow every time it decided to vibrate in his pocket.

He fished it out of his pocket and internally sobbed at the forty missed calls from differing magazines and day time television shows. There were a few from Tim and Barbara, but Dick decidedly ignored them for the text message the young man sent in retaliation for not answering.

Babybird: Forgot to mention. Puddin' should still be rehearsing.

Dick tightened his hold on the phone as he read the message. Tim had to be kidding...Surely? Dick felt his legs wobble and he had to retake his seat on the sofa. It was one thing after another. So much for a day off.

"Is something the matter?"

Dick's heart faltered in fright and he visibly jumped from the sofa a few centimetres as he whipped his attention to the man pouring him some tea. Dick placed his hands on the back of the sofa as he twisted around to address him.

"Lucius, don't do that. You scared me." Dick took the cup and controlled his breathing before he sipped the liquid. Lucius rose an amused brow and took his spot across from Dick.

"I haven't the slightest clue as to what I did to frighten you, Dick." The man replied and placed his cup and saucer on the coffee table. "You must have a lot on your mind if you forgot I was in the room."

Dick's cheeks flushed in embarrassment and swiftly apologised for his lack of manners. Lucius waved him off and the two sat in companionable silence as they drunk their tea. Dick's mind was determining what he would be expecting at Panessa Studios. He was somewhat tempted to wait for Tim to be discharged from the hospital and allow Robin to deal with the whirlwind that was sure to await him. But he couldn't let 'Puddin'' starve and who knows what else Bruce and Tim had stored down there.

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