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2|a queen, a doctor and a toddler

"Hitori!" Remy giggled as he ran towards one of his favourite aunties, the blonde woman instantly scooping him into her arms.

"Hello, little one." Historia greeted him, nuzzling his nose as he giggled with excitement. "Where's your mummy?"

"Exhausted from running after him all day." Lillian chuckled and smiled at the Queen. "How has the royal life been treating you?"

"Just as exhausting." She put the child back down and grabbed his hand while Lilly grabbed his other one, the pair taking him for a walk around the gardens.

"Found any suitors yet?" Lilly teased, grinning when the blonde girls face flushed red. "You know, my Godson is single. Although, I have no idea if he is alive."

"I have been focused on my duties." Historia squeaked, embarrassed by the older womans suggestion.

"That's you always tell me." The Doctor laughed and swung Remy, the child squealing with excitement. "I know it's been hard after finding out about Ymir but you deserve to be happy. We both know Ymir would not want you avoiding love for the rest of your life."

"I would like to have a child some day." They both glanced down at Remy who was happily walking between them, too busy glancing around at the green terrain rather than focusing on the two adults. "But if they end up like Remy I may want a mini army of them."

"I don't blame you." Lillian crouched down and wiped her son's nose before continuing walking. "I was one of the lucky ones who got an easy child that made all those missions Levi was away so much easier."

"He is helping civilisation but at the sacrifice of his family." Historia gave the mother a sympathetic smile. "You have done such an excellent job raising Remy while being the most skilled doctor within the walls and with the Scout Regiment."

"You're making me blush." She joked, fanning her face dramatically. "I just want to help as much as I can."

"You're trying to distract yourself from thinking about your brother." The Queen said quietly, knowing she hit the target.

"Damn, you're good." Lilly sighed with a grim chuckle. "I just wish I could go back in time and spend my time with him because as much of an ass he was he was my brother."

"Ass!" Remy repeated with a proud smile, looking up at his mother for approval.

"Mother of the year right here." She leaned down and kissed his head, knowing there was no point in telling him off.

"Still bitter about him trying to sell you?" Historia smirked, always loving to hear Lillian get annoyed about that story.

"The audacity he had trying to put the Scouts before his own sister!" Lillian complained, becoming dramatically annoyed. "It would have been fine if it was Levi he was selling me to because I am a woman, I can't say no to abs but no, he tried to marry me off to an obese womaniser."

"Womaniser?" The younger blonde gasped in shock, surprised over the new addition to the story. "You never told me he was a womaniser?"

"Well, more woman loved him for his money." She elaborated. "Apparently he died five years after that stunt with Levi faking being my husband."

"You could have been so rich if you held out for five years." Historia sighed dramatically.

"We think so alike." Lilly burst into laughter as they stopped beside the pond. "I always did love this pond."

"The flowers around here are so beautiful in the summer." The Queen agreed as they sat down on a blanket, watching Remy chase a butterfly. "It's my favourite part of becoming the Queen."

"I don't think I could be a Queen, I made purposely make some random laws just for laughs." The doctor hummed. "Like all large hats must be worn in summer."

"Or on the end of every month men have to wear dresses!" Historia suggested excitedly. "I am feeling mischievous."

"Please make that a law! I want to see Levi in one of my dresses." The pair burst into laughter at the thought of the stoic man wearing a pink dress.

"Mummy!" Remy ran over to the pair with a vibrant lillie in his hand. "I got you something."

"Thank you, sweetie. It's beautiful." She cuddled him and let him put the flower in her hair. They continued talking while Remy tried to find the perfect flower for Historia. Lillian taught Historia how to make daisy crowns and the pair were matching by the time the sun began to set.

"Daddy!" Remy cheered and ran behind the two women and into the man's arms.

"I was told I would find you both here." Levi grumbled, bowing his head to Historia as they stood up.

"How was your mission?" Lillian asked, walking up to him with the blanket in her arms to place a kiss on both her boys cheeks.

"It went well." He replied. Historia linked her arm with Lillians and the pair led the way back to the palace while the boys trailed behind.

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