Chapter 12: The Way It Starts

Start from the beginning

-There you go! Yes! – Renjun said excitedly, elbowing my side while smiling widely.

-But, wait, that means Eunju is not playing around. – Jeno pointed out. -I'm happy for you and Narae, but what about Eunju? – He questioned, concerned.

-Narae and I; talked about the situation regarding Eunju. And we concluded that it's going to be hard to keep up with her; however, that isn't it. – I claimed while thinking about the early discussion about the matter.

-Why? – Renjun asked.

-Narae believes that my father can force a relationship between Eunju and me. But all of it would be only for business purposes, and she's afraid that Eunju will get what she wants in the end. – I explained, which made my friends gasp.

-You know, I don't think Narae is in the wrong call. Mr. Na has made it clear before; he wants the business to run smoothly. – Renjun pointed out, to which I nodded in response.

-Yes, I guess Narae saw that coming. But what are you planning to do if something like that occurs? – Jeno questioned.

-Well, I haven't thought about it. But now that I know how Narae feels about me, I won't let Eunju hurt her integrity anymore. I mean, she was about to send the video with Narae's confession to my father. And I can't let Eunju get that power over me. – I claimed sternly.

-You are right in that. – Jeno nodded.

-And what did Narae said about staying in the agency? – Renjun asked.

-Oh, I almost forgot about that! What happened? – Jeno said worriedly.

-Stay steady, guys. I told Narae to hang on for now, and if I notice that her job is getting complicated because of Eunju, I'm going to let her go. – I explained while smiling subtlety.

-And that makes you happy? – Jeno questioned, confused.

-I wouldn't say that I'm entirely "happy." But I believe there's something I can do to convince my father about a future relationship with Narae. – I disclosed, making my friends look at each other, confused.

-Wait, do you honestly think that Mr. Na is going to pair you up with Eunju? – Jeno questioned.

-Yes. I don't know how or when, but it's something that will happen. My father is Mr. Sonu's best friend and had been partners for over a decade. So, it's possible. – I pointed out before taking a deep breath.

-You are still happy. – Renjun smiled.

-I'm excited, isn't that weird? – I chuckled. -Amazing. – I sighed, making my friends laugh at me.

-I'm glad that you feel this way at last. – Jeno teased before cluttering my hair.


The drinks came and made the day slightly happier. Jeno and Renjun; had a fun time talking about multiple things, and most of them didn't make sense. After some time, we decided to say goodbye to each other. Both of them walked together to the opposite way of the street, and then I took another path. I began to walk while looking around the zone, the lights illuminating the streets with different colors, and it seems that tonight there are more people outside. It was starting to drizzle, which made everything slightly complicated. So, I hurried my pace to get back home, but before I could turn and get to the street I wanted to, I noticed someone running. In front of me, I saw a girl crying. I blinked twice and realized that it was Narae. She's running without looking around or caring about anything. The cars are driving fast and not seeing well because of the drizzle.

I didn't hesitate to go in Narae's direction, and luckily, I got there before she could run any further.

-Narae! – I called her name, but she didn't listen. So, I walked towards her, making me notice a car. It was about to pass in front of the street. Immediately, I ran to get Narae, and I didn't stop until I felt her body against mine. I pulled her off the road, holding her between my arms while lying on the sidewalk.

-Ah, Narae. Are you okay? Narae? – I looked at my girl, noticing scars on her arms and blood on her head. -What happened to you? Huh? – I questioned, but she couldn't answer.

I stood up and helped Narae to stand. After that, I took off my jacket and placed it on her shoulders. I held Narae's hand and walked through the streets with her head on my shoulder.

-Who did this to you? – I questioned worriedly, holding Narae tightly against me. I caressed Narae's head before we reached the entrance of the apartment house.

Immediately, we took the elevator to my floor. The doors closed, and the silence made me hear the soft sobbing from Narae.

-Eunju. – I murmured, making Narae hold me tighter. I took her chin, making her look up at me. -Did you escape? – I questioned, to which Narae nodded in response.

I sighed before placing Narae's head back on my shoulder, and briefly, the doors opened again. We walked out of the elevator and reached my apartment; I took out the keys from my pocket and unlocked the door. Shortly, both of us got inside my place. Without hesitation, I went for the first aid, took a towel, and started to heat some water. And quickly went back to Narae; I covered her body before sitting by her side, looking at the wounds she has on her head and arms.

I was about to clean them up, but Narae stopped me and hugged me instead. I took a deep breath before embracing her body, not caring about letting her know my honest feelings.

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