Taeyong had to go to Mingyu's pack to retrieve a few items for the pup infirmary. Haechan was accompanying him, but Jaemin had refused to get out of his bedroom for around two weeks. The omega was reaching his age where this would happen and eventually he would be finding his mate. Probably not for a few more months though.

Jaemin rolled his eyes as he heard a knock at his door. "Mom, leave me alone! I don't feel good.." Jaemin settled for a small cough to seal the deal, but Taeyong laughed, "Get your lazy butt up Jeon Jaemin! You are not sick. Remember I can tell when you are. I'm your mother."

Jaemin sighed, "But why do I have to go? I won't be much help anyway." Taeyong giggled again, "DO you not remember that your own mother is blind and your aunt is mute? We need all the help we can get Jae."

Jaemin sighed as he got out of his small and very subtle nest he had created for the past few weeks. "Okay fine. You guilt tripped me into going." Jaemin got up and guided his mother towards his aunt's house to get him. He wouldn't be very happy about the trip anyway.

The two omegas got closer to the house, but Jaemin saw something that made his heart almost explode. Chenle was in his wolf form, which was of course one of the most beautiful things to ever witness.

In the past few months, the small omega had turned into a gorgeous wolf. He was a honey gold with some specks of dark brown down his back like his mother. Jaemin was very proud of him and was kind of jealous of the way other alphas and betas would look at him. He wished he was looked at the same way sometimes.

But then suddenly he remembered why he shouldn't be jealous of Chenle. As the smaller wolf ran around the small garden Haechan planted during the spring, a larger wolf with a dark black coat with a hint of brown ran behind him.
The wolf was quick to scoop the smaller omega up into his mouth and carry him by his nape. The smaller omega whined a bit at being caught as the Beta's eyes landed on Jaemin. Jaemin looked away a bit noticing that he had been staring for a while.

Chenle turned to see Jaemin and Taeyong making their way towards their front door, him shaking out of Jisung's hold. Chenle bounced towards Jaemin, who immediately forgot the small jealousy he had for his cousin.

Chenle moved in between Jaemin's legs as Jaemin rubbed his back, "Good Morning Lele!" Jamein smiled as Chenle ran towards his home to get his mother. Taeyong smiled, "I'm guessing Chenle was in his wolf form?" Jaemin giggled, "Yes and he looked beautiful as always."

"I agree with you." Jisung had changed back into his human form as he walked up to greet the two. "Ah Jisung! How are you?" Taeyong smiled as he went to hug the Beta. "I am wonderful Mr. Jeon. How have you been?"

"Not too bad myself! Trying to get this one out of the house for weeks now!" Jaemin blushed, "Stop Mom. I'm fine." Jisung chuckled, which sent a chill down the omega's spine. "Well I'm glad you got out Jaemin. It's a wonderful day." Chenle came running out of the house in his human form. "Mommy is coming! He is talking to Daddy!"

Chenle hugged Jaemin tightly, "Jaejae! I missed you!" Jaemin's heart melted. This boy still acted like a child even though he was a few months older than him. "I missed you too Chenle!" 

"Now please Lucas I need you to remember to do this for me. It's very important that it gets done!"  Haechan came walking out of the house with Lucas tailing behind him. "I know Channie. It will get done I promise!" Haechan turned around and glared at Lucas. "If not I will not be very happy with you Lucas Wong."

Lucas gulped as Haechan walked towards the wolves standing in the front yard. "Hello everyone! Sorry it took so long. I had a few things I needed to clear up."  Chenle hugged his mother and then grabbed Jisung's hand, "Bye everyone!" 

Jaemin watched as Jisung walked back into the house behind Chenle. For some reason he couldn't stop eyeing him. But this wasn't just the case with Jisung. It was the case with all the other young wolves in his pack. It was driving him crazy.

"What wrong Jaejae?" Taeyong asked and the three started to walk towards the woods. "Nothing mom. I'm fine." Taeyong giggled, "Thats why you smell funny right?" Jaemin blushed, "Mom..."

Taeyong and Haechan giggled, "Jaemin you can't fight what is happening to you. And you should know what it is by now." Haechan smiled, "You're now that age Jaemin. All omegas your age are starting to get their first heats-"

Jaemin whined, "Stop...I don't want to talk about this. I'm fine." The older omegas giggled, "I know Jaemin that you want to be independent and have your own adventures and I respect that decision. But that doesn't stop your body from needing certain things."

"It will hurt you if you don't do anything about your heats Jaemin. So when they start to happen-" Jaemin walked ahead of the two omegas. He did not want to discuss this with them. It made him uncomfortable and angry.

Of course he knew that he was going to have heats. He knew what was going to happen to him and what would be the outcome if he didn't find someone to help them through them. But the thought of it made him want to throw up.

"I had the same talk with Chenle, but he just looked at me with confusion. Not one clue on what I meant. So I said I would try another day and figure out how to explain all of it."  Taeyong smiled, "I'm not surprised he doesn't know Channie. The boy only hangs out with one wolf all the time. And I'm sure Jisung doesn't let too many other wolves around him."

Haechan sighed, "You are right. Which is a good thing, but I have a bad feeling about this. What if Jisung isn't Chenle's mate? I just can't stand the thought of that."

Taeyong frowned, "He has to be right? Like have you asked Jisung if he has been feeling anything different when he is around Chenle?" Haechan shook his head, "No. They don't seem any different either. Which really worries me. By now I should at least smell a slight difference.."

"Well let's just hope that it will change eventually."

"Yeah, I hope so."

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