The Haunting

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--Bailey p.o.v.--

I wasted no time booking it down to the lobby, pressing the keys of the elevator excessively. The elevator wasn't moving fast enough to escape the heat covering my skin and how loudly my heart beat seemed to echo into my ears. Soon as the doors open I ran out into the fresh air that waited to greet me like an old friend. I turned the corner deciding to take the bus when I ran into a solid figure. Before I began to fall too much a arm quickly snaked around my waist. I looked up and quickly the panic made my blood run cold. "Oh. Bailey, where did you come from?" he asked me; surprised but happy to see me. Clearly he did not catching the lack of happiness in my response in bumping into each other. I thought he was still locked up. In fact he seemed to pull me closer until I pushed us apart. No longer touching I shivered and turned away from him. Oh how I wished never to see him again. "What's wrong BB? I miss you, I been out for a couple months now but you were gone. I tried finding you but nothing has worked. I moved here just last week." He explained as he reached for me again. I quickly smacked his hand away, scowling. 

"Don't touch me! You left me and I suffered. You don't get to make drastic choices and expect me to just be okay." I yelled back not missing the shocked look on his face as I spun around and ran back around the corner. Karma must be cashing in all her chips I thought sourly before I ran into yet another figure. But this time I hit the ground with a thud. "Are we fucking serious?" I muttered getting up as I started brushing off the dirt. A voice chuckled pulling me from my thoughts. I looked to see Avery looking at me like he thought I was just playing with him earlier. Oh shit, I was running from him. The very man I told Avery I was with. "Bailey!" I heard Zane yell my name running towards me. Before I could think it through for a moment. I grabbed Avery's hand with a smile. "Oh, hey baby. Been looking for you!" Avery looked at me for a moment with a undecipherable look before looking back at Zane who stopped just a couple feet away. He seemed to glance between us a couple times before snapping out of it. Avery smiled and kissed my hand before leading me into his black Audi, "I wondered when you would get here". I just smiled and closed the door trying to calm my erratic heart. The couple seconds of silence did nothing to help me figure out what the hell I was going to do now. Karma is definitely cashing in those chips.

"I think you owe me an explanation...babe" Avery mocked me as he got in the car and starting the engine. Oh screw you, you smug asshole. I bit my lip trying to think of what to say," Don't mock me". I am sure Avery put it together that I lied to him. But what did he think the lie was? That I was with Zane and we just broke up. Which isn't exactly wrong but try I fell in love with a man who went to jail for 2 years and I been avoiding him ever since. The guy I couldn't spend one day without, the first to ever steal my heart, my first for many things actually. Trying to outrun the guilt that threatened to consume me I closed my eyes with a deep breath. I just hope he will let it go for now. To which, surprisingly he did. After a couple minutes of driving wherever, I didn't bother to open my eyes. Purposefully doing my best to avoid a conversation.

"Come on, let's eat. You at least owe me that" Avery grinned like he was use to winning one way or another. I didn't bother to hide the groan that came out. I wanted to protest but I noticed we were slowing down and the car was making its way into a parking lot. As I grabbed my phone and slowly got out I took a deep breath trying to calm myself. We stood in front of a beautiful Italian restaurant. The outside having a small maze with bushes and a water fountain out front. Little lights lit up the outside. Strategically placed in the bushes. "Beautiful" I whispered to nobody in particular. I jumped when I felt a hand on my hip and looked up to see Avery looking at me, "Yeah, beautiful" he responded still looking at me. Small goosebumps rose up on my arms and I took a couple steps away trying to put as much distance between Avery and I. Breaking out of it he smiled like nothing happened, motioning for me to follow him. At no time we was sat in a booth far from other people. I looked around taking in the place. Hell under any other circumstances I would have enjoyed being here.

My phone buzzed rapidly in pocket. MAR: WHERE R U?!



I laughed, of course she chose a club. Putting my phone away I looked up at Avery to see him still looking at me. "Have somewhere better to be?" He asked. I knew I should of been nice but it rubbed me the wrong way. "Actually yeah" I sneered back at him and glared. He just shrugged at me, "I will drop you off wherever you need to be after we eat". Soon a waiter came and took our orders. I can't tell you how long we sat there in silence for until our food came to make the silence more bareable. But every time I look up Avery is already staring at me. What is his deal? Thanking the waiter I quickly moved the plate closer beginning to eat the chicken alfredo I had ordered. Looking up I watched Avery eat the lasagna. The muscles in his jaws flexed ever so often as he chewed. The muscles in him arm protruding ever so often. "Enjoying the view?" Avery joked making my skin warm to a slight pink. Quickly I adverted my eyes. "Can't decide yet" I answered smirking until I seen the look on his face and just full out laughed. Bet he hasn't heard that one yet before. Women throw themselves at him all the time and he just eats up. Even some men but Avery always quickly declines. Avery soon recovered himself with a small cough and we finished the rest of our food. Soon enough we was done and he paid the bill before walking us to the door.

"Where do you need to be?" Avery asked holding the door open for me and following after. "My best friend decided the first day of summer should be spent at a party. Some night club named Razor. Can you take me there?" I asked smiling, it would be so much easier than being stuck on some bus with no idea where I am going. "Sure" he answered as we got in his car this time in a much more comfortable silence. After five minutes of hearing nothing but the world pass by I decided to turn on the Radio and hit CD. Soon Save Me by Jelly Roll came through the speakers. I loved this song, and soon enough I began singing. "Somebody save me, me from myself. I've spent so long living in Hell. They say my lifestyle is bad for my health, it's the only thing that seems to help. All of this drinkin' and smokin' is hopeless but feel like it's all that I need."

I closed my eyes and let myself feel just how much this song meant to me. "Somethin' inside of me's broken. I hold on to anything that sets me free." I stopped singing listening to the rest of the song till I finished the last bit of the song, "I'm a lost cause. Baby, don't waste your time on me. I'm so damaged beyond repair, life has shattered my hopes and my dreams". I kept my eyes close feeling the somber feeling swirling around me before I decided to open them again. "Wow, I mean. Just wow." Avery stuttered at a loss of words. I blushed a deep red and looked away quickly. Not many knew I could sing and I tend to keep it that way. It's been so long since I sang in front of someone like that. A minute later he pulled into the parking lot of the club and I thanked him before getting out.

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