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1 Do you believe featuring in meet the authors has helped you as a writer?

Yes. I love getting new readers.

2 What genre do you like to read?

I love books like Priestess of Avalon, Confessions of an Ugly Step Sister, and YA/MG stuff

3 What's the best piece of advice you have received on wattpad?

Generally if I get feedback on anything I post, I take it to heart. So all advice is good advice.

4 Are your stories on any of platforms ? (Instagram, twitter, amazon, ect)

You can find the entirety of the North Oak series on Kindle Unlimited, as well as other works I haven't posted on wattpad at: http://amazon.com/author/annhunter

5 Do you believe being apart of the wattpad community has helped you as a writer?

For sure. Like I said above, all feedback is good feedback :)

6 What's one story (on or off wattpad) that you would recommend someone read?

Rules for a Knight by Ethan Hawke. It's a beautiful little book with a lot of good advice for growing as a person.

7 How is your latest story going? Can you tell us anything about it?

I currently have 3.5 projects in progress. North Oak #8 (Contemporary YA), my first Urban Fantasy series called Outriders (the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse are looking for their replacement amongst a bunch of high schoolers), a contemporary sweet equestrian romance called For Love of the Chase, and that .5 one I mentioned? that's my first Dystopian series called Dream Runners-- which is being developed.

8 Do you believe interview platforms, clubs, contests and organization accounts on wattpad are a useful tool to new writers?

Yes. For the sake of feedback. Word to the newbie (and the seasoned writer, too): Accept feedback graciously. Learn to work with it. You'll grow faster, even if it hurts a little.

9 As a writer, do you think its wise to write in more than one genre?

One of my favorite quotes about life comes from the TV show Parks & Recreation. Ron Swanson says "Don't half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing."

So if you're REALLY good at one genre, stick with it.

But if you're looking to grow or you're getting burnt out, try something new.

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